
Here you can report and apply for grants for private afforestation.

We want more forest in Denmark, because forests can meet a wide range of different interests at the same time and place: production of wood, outdoor life, nature conservation, protection of groundwater and more.

How do I apply for afforestation?

Apply for afforestation via the self-service box at the top of the page and send it to Water and Nature (contact information at the bottom).

You do not have to report if you replant forest areas after felling within a period that must be considered normal in connection with forestry.

Can I get a grant for afforestation?

In many cases, you can get a subsidy for private afforestation if you want to plant at least 2 ha. You can read more about subsidy for private afforestation on the Danish Agency for Agriculture's website.

Are there areas where I am not allowed to do afforestation?

In the municipal plan, areas are designated where afforestation is undesirable (negative areas). These are areas where urban development, extraction of gravel or preservation of special natural values ​​and landscapes are planned. You may not plant trees here. The ban also includes the cultivation of energy crops of the wood type, which are harvested at intervals longer than every five years.

In special cases, the municipality can grant permission for forest planting in negative areas. A permit requires that an application to this effect be submitted to the municipality prior to planting. The application must contain information about the location and extent of the intended planting. In addition, the application must contain a justification for the desire to establish the intended planting. The municipality thus has a basis for assessing whether permission for planting must be granted or whether the consideration underlying the ban must be taken care of.

Gråsten Forest

Contact us

Water and Nature
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg

Phone hours:

Monday - Wednesday: 9.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 9.00 am - 14.00 pm