Business plots for sale
There are over 3.000 companies in the Sønderborg area and there is a place for you too.
Our dynamic commercial and business life makes the Sønderborg area an attractive location for both entrepreneurs and established companies.
In Sønderborg Municipality, you as a business and trader get several advantages:
- Attractive location near Germany and the rest of Europe
- Well-developed infrastructure with an airport directly to Copenhagen and with motorway connections to the north and south
- International environment with 120 different nationalities living and working in Sønderborg Municipality
- English-language programs and international university campus
- Well-educated workforce
- Strong initiatives for business, tourism and settlement
- Companies with a focus on energy and industrial production
- A municipality with the ambition to be Denmark's first municipality to become CO2-Neutral
We have attractive commercial plots for sale - close to the Sønderborg motorway and Sønderborg Airport.
We also have a place for you and your company. Click on one of the reasons below and read more about your options.
Areas with business plots
Contact us
The real estate office
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg
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