Caring for close relatives with disabilities or serious illness

If your close relative or friend with a disability or serious illness needs care in your own home, you can apply for care leave for up to six months.

It is possible to employ a close relative in the labor market to carry out care and nursing tasks for a person with a permanently impaired physical or mental disability or intrusive chronic or long-term (including incurable) illness.

A prerequisite for employment for care at home is that the alternative is a around the clock stay outside the home, or that the care corresponds to a full-time job.

Who can receive care?
  • Children, adults and the elderly with permanent physical or mental disabilities.
  • People with chronic or long-term illness lasting for a year or more.
  • People with incurable, serious illness for example people with cancer, severe heart disease, etc., but who are not terminal. 
Who can take care of the caregiver?

The caretaker can be a:

  • spouse
  • cohabitant
  • children
  • parents
  • others with very close relationship

The person can be an employee, self-employed, unemployment benefit recipient or cash benefit recipient. The requirement of connection to the labor market must be considered fulfilled.

You can be employed for up to six months. The period can be extended by up to three months in special circumstances.

Employees are entitled to leave in connection with care.

What is the salary?

The salary is DKK 25.138,00 per month.

Can the care be divided into shorter periods?

Yes, by mutual agreement, the care can be divided into shorter periods of up to one month duration.

By agreement with the employer giving leave, the employment can be divided into smaller parts than whole months. The employment can also be shared by several people.

You must make us aware of your desire to split the care in advance at the time of employment.

Woman takes care of her sick husband

Contact us

Care and Development
Ellegårdvej 25A
6400 Sønderborg

Phone hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8.00 - 11.00 and 12.00 - 13.00

Wednesday: closed