Children and young people's digital access to information about the Children's Act

You have the right to help if you need it

Are you under 18, and is there something in your everyday life that makes you feel bad? Are you sad or scared a lot of the time? Do you think that the adults at home, for example, drink too much alcohol? Or are you, or someone close to you, being beaten? Then you can get help.

If you do not feel that you can get help from the adults who are close to you, there are some adults in your municipality who work to help children and young people who are having a hard time. They are adults who must listen to you and whom you can call or write to if you need help.

All children and young people have rights – and the right to help if they need it.


What is a municipality?

Denmark is divided into 98 areas which are called municipalities. Each municipality has its own team of employees who work to keep track of things like schools, roads and waste, but they also help children and young people who are having a hard time. Here it is important to remember that only those who work in your municipality can and must help you.

So if you need help, it's best to talk to them in your own municipality.

What can you get help for in the municipality?

If adults in your family, at school or others you know cannot or will not help you, there are adults in your municipality who are ready to help. They will find out what you need.

There are many reasons why you might need help.

It can be if you feel unsafe at home, are sad a lot of the time, or if there is violence or arguments at home. It may also be that the adults are not good at looking after you, or that you feel alone with your problems. Sometimes the problems are too big for you to handle on your own.

We are here to find out if you and your family need help to get better. If you need to change something in your everyday life, you can talk to us about it.

You can't decide everything yourself, but you can tell us how you want it. All families are different, so the help we provide may differ. Maybe you need someone who can help you with what is difficult. Or maybe you need to talk to a psychologist if you're not feeling well. Sometimes the whole family needs help, and then we can send a special family therapist.

What are my rights? 

There is a law on children and young people in Denmark. It is called the child's law.

It states that the adults from the municipality HAS find out if they can help you if you ask or if someone is concerned about how you are doing. You therefore have the right to help if you need it. For example, you have the right to live in a safe home and attend a school where you do not experience bullying or discrimination. And you have the right to be heard. This does not mean that you can always decide - but your opinion must count. 

Do I have to say my name and will my parents know if I call or write? 

When you call, write or visit us in the municipality, you don't have to tell us your name or where you live if you don't want to. This means that you can be anonymous. However, if we think that you are having such a difficult time that you need help right now, or if you or someone close to you is in danger, we may need to know your name. If this happens, you need to tell us who you are in order for us to help you. And here it may be that we also have to inform your parents. 

Who answers the phone if I call

When you contact us, you will mostly be speaking to a child and youth adviser. a child and youth counselor is someone who gives advice and knows a lot about how to solve problems like yours. They work to provide help for children or families who are not well. Sometimes they are also called case managers or social workers. 

What happens if the phone is not answered when I call? 

Like shops, we are open at some times and closed at other times. If you feel that you need help so much that it cannot wait until the next day, for example if you are beaten, you can call the police on 114. They will find out if they can help you. And remember, if you are in danger or have thoughts of harming yourself, you must always call the Emergency Center on 112 immediately. 

What happens when I have spoken or written to you? 

If you have spoken or written to a child and youth counselor with us, he or she will try to find out whether you need help from the municipality. Perhaps the adviser will tell you that we will look into how you can get the best help. This means she will call you again so that you can agree together what should happen. It may also be that the counselor suggests that you talk to a good friend, your parents, Children's Telephone or any other telephone counseling that suits your problems. 

Where can I find more information about how the municipality can help me - and how?

If you would like to know more about what it means to have a case in the municipality, who you meet or what rights you have, you can You can watch some short films here on the subjects on Youtube



There are also others who can help you 


Who is the Children's Telephone?

BørneTelefonen is YOUR line for advice, comfort or just an adult who has time to listen.

Every day, all year round, our volunteer counselors sit on the Children's Telephone line ready to listen and advise children and young people in Denmark about their problems, big and small.

What is Cyberhus?

Cyberhus is aimed at children and young people aged 9-25 

You can contact us with thoughts and questions about everything from sexuality, puberty and love to self-harm, suicidal thoughts and abuse. So we can talk about exactly what is right for you. 

We always want to listen, and with our words we can try to support and advise. If more help is needed, we will try to find out who, where and how the help can be found. It can be elsewhere on the web or offline. 

Cyberhus only exists online, and all the advice we can offer is therefore only available online

Read more on the Cyberhus website

What is the Lifeline?

In most cases, suicidal thoughts are not an expression of a desire to die. Lifeline's counselors are there to help you put into words what is difficult and to help you see other options than suicide.

Read more about advice and help on Livslinien's website

Who is the Valve?

Ventilen Sønderborg is for young people aged 15-25 who struggle with loneliness. 

Read more on Ventilen's website

Who is TUBA?

TUBA offers help, advice and therapy to young people between the ages of 14 and 35 who have grown up in homes with alcohol or drug abuse. The help is free, and all employees and volunteers are bound by confidentiality and are here to help you.

Read more on TUBA's website

Can I get free psychological help?

If you struggle with psychological problems such as sadness, anxiety, grief, low self-esteem or unhappiness, as a young person between the ages of 15 and 25 you can get free psychological help.

Read more about free psychological help

Open and Calm - stress management for young people

Are you between 15 and 25 and do you feel that everyday life has turned into a stressful chaos with many demands and a fast pace? We might be able to help you.

Read more about Open and Calm - stress management for young people

who is LGBTQ+

LGBTQ+ Sønderborg is an association with the aim of creating a network for LGBTQ+ people in Southern Jutland and Northern Germany. LGBTQ+ is an interest organization for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people.

Read more about LGBTQ+ Sønderborg on their website

Who is Sexlinien?

Sexlinien is a counseling service for young people with personal problems or a personal need for knowledge or information.

Read more about Sexlinien and what they can help with on their website


The rights of the child

Contact us

Opening hours:

Mon-Wed: 8-15
Thursday: 8 pm - 17 pm
Friday: 8 am - 14 pm


Tlf. nr.: 27 90 42 42

Efter kl. 16, og i weekenden -  kontakt politiet på 114