Councils, boards and committees
On this page you can read more about the various boards, commissions, councils and committees that are also part of Sønderborg Municipality, and possibly see the members.
- The evening schools' consultation
Currently, 13 associations are members of the Consultation. The board consists of 5 people.
Culture, Sports & Leisure meet approx. Twice a year with Samrådet to discuss conditions and expectations for the evening schools' work.
- The Residents' Complaints Board (Beboerklagenævnet)
- The Emergency Preparedness Commission
In Sønderborg Municipality, it is Fire and Rescue and the members of the 15 volunteer fire brigades, which manages the municipal rescue service.
According to Section 9 of the Planning Act, all municipalities must have an emergency commission.
There are the following representatives in the Emergency Preparedness Commission for Sønderborg Municipality:
- Erik Lauritzen, mayor (A), chairman
- Frits Kjeldsen (Director of Police)
- Kjeld Stærk (V)
- Bjørn Allerelli Andersen (A)
- Peter Thomsen (V)
- Hans Egon Bendorff (representative of the volunteer fire brigade)
- Allan Dalager Clausen, (Emergency Manager, Sønderborg Municipality)
- Thorkild Christensen (Political elected)
- Casper Witte (representative of the part-time workforce)
- Ulrick Christiansen, employee representative (Emergency Sønderborg)
- Tove Baun as observer (without voting rights) (as observer for De Frivillige)
- The Grants Board
The Licensing Board is elected for the municipal election period and takes care of, among other things, liquor licenses, extended opening hours, manager approvals, prior statements on the possible establishment of new restaurants and notification of changes in the Executive Board and Board of Directors.
Apply for an alcohol license and driver approval on the police website.
The Licensing Board has been set up by the City Council and consists of a representative of the police elected by the Director of Police, an expert member with relevant knowledge of business economics and six other members appointed by the City Council:
- Tom Holden Jensen (Chairman)
- Erling Taul Jensen (deputy chairman)
- Steen Nørhart
- Niels Thomsen
- Tom Sivertsen
- Mads Friis
- Jan Bonefeld Andersen
- Birgit Nielsen
Get application forms and guidance at:
South and Southern Jutland Police
Grant / Permits
Haderslevvej 52, 6200 Aabenraa - The Housing Commission
The Housing Commission decides whether a dwelling / a lease is harmful to health or flammable.
The housing commission consists of 9 members elected by the city council (3 politicians, 1 doctor, 1 construction expert, 1 from Brand & Redning, 1 lawyer, 1 from Sønderborg Grundejerforening and 1 from Lejernes Landsorganisation).
- The Green Council
The Green Council's primary task is to advise Sønderborg Municipality on issues of principle within the municipality's administration of the Nature Conservation Act, the Environmental Objectives Act and other legislation or other tasks in relation to planning and administration of the open country, including nature restoration projects and nature dissemination.
You can have items on the agenda, either through the representatives of the council or through the secretariat.
A number of project funds within the green area can only obtain a commitment for support if the local Green Council has recommended an application.The Green Council for Sønderborg Municipality consists of a chairman, who is appointed by the municipality, and a representative from each of the following organizations and authorities:
- LandboSyd
- Agricultural Advisory South
- Forest Growers' Association South
- The Outdoor Council
- VisitSønderborg
- Danish Society for Nature Conservation
- Museum South Jutland
- The Danish Hunters' Association
- The Danish Sport Fishermen's Association
- Danish Ornithological Society
- The Nature Guide Association in Sønderborg Municipality
- The Nature Agency of Southern Jutland (as an observer)
- Technical management (2 representatives)
Other organizations may obtain permanent membership of the Green Council after unanimous adoption at one of the Council meetings.
The Green Council in Sønderborg Municipality holds 2-3 annual meetings. One meeting takes place as an inspection trip to relevant places in the municipality. The meetings are not public, but by agreement with the chairman, guests can attend the meetings.
- The Public Information Committee
The committee partly deals with cases of a principled nature, such as premises rules and subsidy schemes, and partly cases of a more practical nature, such as the allocation of premises and the approval of new associations. In addition, the committee processes the applications received by the various pools in the area. Finally, the committee is a consultative body in connection with budgeting and in a number of other matters.
The public information committee's election period is the same as the City Council's.
The committee consists of members elected by the associations that are actors in the field of public information, as well as by members appointed by the City Council.
- The basic list committee
The basic list committee is a politically appointed committee of 5 members.
The committee's task is once every 4 years to select a number of persons who must be considered suitable to act as judges / lay judges and juries.
A lay judge is a man or woman without a legal degree who, together with the legal judges in the city and district court, listens to all the arguments of the defense and the prosecution in a criminal case.
The task of the lay judge is, together with the legal judges, to convict or acquit the person accused of having violated the penal code.
Read more about the lay judge system here.
The Basic List Committee consists of:
- Kurt Nissen (A)
- Arno Knöpfli (S)
- Asger Romme Andersen (O)
- Vivi Brit Nielsen (V)
- Ingrid Johannsen (V)
- The border triangle
The border triangle is a cross-border collaboration between Flensburg, Aabenraa and Sønderborg.
The purpose of the cooperation is to create development and growth in the Border Triangle. The collaboration focuses on joining forces between the municipalities and exchanging information. The meetings ensure that you know about each other's challenges, ideas and projects, so that you can support the efforts that benefit the community as best as possible. The collaboration focuses on the following general topics:- Business development
- Infrastructure
- Tourism
- Green transition
The members of the Border Triangle meet at least three times a year and the host rotates.
The following politicians from Sønderborg Municipality participate:Each municipality appoints a project manager from the municipal administration, who forms part of a joint working group that serves the meetings of the Border Triangle.
- The Disability Council
The Disability Council advises the municipal council on disability policy issues and deals with all local policy issues that concern people with disabilities.
The Disability Council does not deal with specific personal and complaint cases, but discusses issues of a more general nature and makes proposals for both political and administrative initiatives.
The Disability Council consists of a total of 10 people.
- 5 members from DH (Danish Handicap Organizations), appointed on the recommendation of DH
- 2 politicians from Sønderborg Municipality's city council
- 3 officials from Sønderborg Municipality
Members of the Disability Council can be seen by clicking here.
- Fence view
The Fence Inspectorate makes decisions in accordance with the Fence Act in cases where there are disagreement about hedges, fences or planting on plots.
Hegnsynet consists of 3 members appointed by the City Council:
Chairman Svend Erik Petersen
Deputy: Jørgen ChristensenMember Ulrick Christiansen (Building Expert)
Deputy: Peter SandholtMember Lars Romsøe Grandt (Plant expert)
Deputy: Hans V. Moldt - The Rent Board (Huslejenævnet)
- The Sports Council
The Sports Council is a consultative party in connection with the establishment of rules and guidelines in the field of sports. The council is also consulted in connection with the determination of criteria for room allocation and distribution of downtime.
The Sports Council consists of 10 members.
The municipality's leisure department and the Sports Council hold approx. 4 annual meetings to coordinate and coordinate expectations and work tasks.
- Integration Council
The Integration Council is a consultation council that holds approx. 6 meetings a year, where the members comment on matters that the City Council or some of the municipality's committees want to know the Integration Council's position on.
Since 2005, the council has awarded the municipality's integration prize Bridge Builder of the Year.
The Integration Council consists of 16 members. 8 are citizens of Sønderborg Municipality with an ethnic background other than Danish. In addition, there are 2 members of the Council, which represents the City Council and 6 members, which represent the day care boards, the school boards, the language center, the association area and the employment area.
Representatives of immigrants and descendants
- Imee Nielsen (frontperson)
- Mahmoud Kayed (Vice-Chairman)
- Rashid Oso
- Hello Blal
- Ismail Ibo
- Kavita Govind
- Oksana Zagorulko
- Hanane Gheith
- Nouhal Abdul Rahman (deputy)
- Rima Hani Borkagi (substitute)
City council members
Members by appointment
- Pia Simon Rautert (daycare centers)
- Rune Dohrmann (the schools)
- Bente Lauritzen (NGOs)
- Tine Hamann Christensen (the job center)
- Camilla Nielsen (social housing initiative)
- Hanne Thomsen (Public Information Committee)
- Isabella Farnleitner (the language schools)
- The Land Purchase Board
The Land Purchase Board can change land (buy land and pay with land).
That is, buy land for agricultural activities if the municipality needs extra land for a land distribution, to provide land to supplement agriculture and to provide land to preserve the landscape and buy land for non-agricultural activities for eg: drinking water security, nature restoration, urban development and leisure areas.
The members of the Land Purchase Board have been appointed by Sønderborg City Council:
City Council:
Email address:
Erik Lauritzen (A) chairman
Stephan Kleinschmidt (S) Jesper Smaling (A) Thomas Worm Larsen (V)
Tage Petersen (V)
Jimmy Simonsen (V)
Sønderjysk Family Farming:
Niels Iwang
Camilla Louise Bak Martin Lambert Pedersen (deputy) The Outdoor Council:
Birger Jonsson
Søren Flensburg
Danish Society for Nature Conservation:
Torben Nielsen
Martin R Jessen
- Municipal Contact Council (KKR)
KL has five municipal contact wires (KKR) - one in each region.
KKR looks after the municipalities' interests in the regional areas. Here, KKR works to provide the individual municipal council with the best possible framework and conditions for effectively providing service to the citizens.KKR consists of all the mayors in the region and a number of local council members, so the composition reflects the distribution of votes in the local elections.
KKR Syddanmark includes the 22 municipalities in South Jutland and on Funen. There live approx. 1,3 million inhabitants in the region of Southern Denmark.In KKR Syddanmark, the members meet to discuss, set common lines and coordinate the municipalities' regional policy efforts.
- The Arts Council
The purpose of the Arts Council is to strengthen the quality of the art and the art experiences offered in the municipality. The Arts Council is a mandatory stakeholder in all municipal matters related to art, procurement of art, relocation and renovation of existing works of art as well as preparation of policies and plans. In addition, the Danish Arts Council advises on art projects in accordance with the scheme for the use of part of construction sums for artistic decoration (1 per cent of the art scheme).
Sønderborg Municipality's Arts Council consists of the following members:
- 1 art representative appointed by and from Sønderjyllands Kunstskole
- 1 art representative appointed by and from art associations in Sønderborg Municipality
- 1 art representative appointed by and from art galleries located in Sønderborg Municipality
- 1 artistic representative on the recommendation of the Association of Visual Artists (BKF)
- 1 member with a background as an architect with insight into urban space architecture on the recommendation of the Academic Architects' Association
- Field and Road Peace
If you want seek compensation for damage caused by stray animals, you can submit your complaint to Mark- og Vejfred.
The assessors under the Land and Road Peace Act consist of a chairman and two other assessors - appointed by the City Council.
- Region South Jutland-Schleswig
Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig is a collaboration between Aabenraa Municipality, Sønderborg Municipality, Tønder Municipality and Haderslev Municipality and Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg, Kreis Nordfriesland and the city of Flensburg.
The collaboration aims to improve the conditions for growth and the cultural cohesion in the region, among other things. through the strengthening of linguistic competences and cultural diversity.
The region covers a geographical area of 8.000 km². The area has 700.000 inhabitants, of which 450.000 in Germany and 250.000 in Denmark.
Further information is available at Region Sø
Read more about the offer for commuters at, which is a service offer for anyone who wants to work or settle on the other side of the border. Commuter info guides i.a. on tax, social insurance and labor market conditions.
- Sønderborg Music Council
Sønderborg Municipality has a collaboration agreement with Sønderborg Music Council, which acts as a council for Sønderborg Municipality on a daily basis when it comes to processing fund applications for musical projects and new initiatives.
- The vulnerable consultation
- For many people in socially vulnerable positions, having to attend traditional political meetings can be an unmanageable task. However, these people have just as much right to be heard and to be able to participate in the democratic process as all other citizens.
The purpose of the vulnerable consultation is therefore to act for the benefit of Sønderborg Municipality's vulnerable citizens and to act as a link for politicians and vulnerable citizens. The vulnerable group therefore has three overall tasks:
- to act: Together with voluntary associations, public bodies, private actors and vulnerable citizens, the consultation creates a network that gives vulnerable citizens opportunities for action and influence.
- to speak: The vulnerable consultation contributes to political messages and decisions being passed on to the vulnerable citizens whom they affect.
- to listen: The vulnerable consultation assists in bringing the concerns, wishes and messages of vulnerable citizens up to the political level.
If you have suggestions for themes or areas that you believe the Exposed Council should work on, you are welcome to contact us here.
The rules of procedure of the vulnerable council can be read here.
- Committee on Sustainability and Rural Affairs
On can you see an overview over all the local communities in Sønderborg Municipality and find contact. You can also see one description of all the villages or read the committee's agenda here.
The committee consists of the following politicians:
- Tom Hartvig Nielsen, Chairman
- Charlotte Riis Engelbrecht, deputy chairman
- Daniel Staugaard
- Kristian Beuschau
- Erik Krogh
Volunteers and deputies by area:
Area: Name: Village pool: Email: Phone / mobile: Gr. Gray stone Erik Møller Jørgensen Adsbøl Gr. Sundewood Asmus Madsen Avnbøl-Ullerup 21 76 31 30 Substitute Ebbe Hansen Sottrup forest Gr. Broager Helle Johannsen Dynt-Skelde-Gammelgap 21 63 23 40 Gr. Sønderborg Poul Madsen Dear Peninsula Gr. Nordals Agnes Nielsen Svenstrup 40 98 92 89 Substitute Kent Munch Nordals Village Association PAK 23 43 27 70 Gr. Sydals Erling Junker Slide image 23 61 47 29 Gr. Augustenborg Henning Wendelboe Chain forest Substitute Karin Autzen Asserball 51 83 88 83 Contact persons in the municipality
Kathrine Klærke - Head of Rural Districts, Nature and Food
Mobile: 27 90 51 31
Email: kakk@sonderborg.dkConnie Mark Skovbjerg, Rural Coordinator
Mobile: 28 89 80 21
Email: cskb@sonderborg.dkCarl Erik Maae, Village Developer Mobile: 27 90 54 69
Email: - The Youth Council
All young people in the municipality are welcome in Sønderborg Ungdomsråd (SUR), regardless of whether you want to be a member, participate in events, be a volunteer or just want to support the council.
Sønderborg Youth Council wants to help support and create social activities and opportunities for young people under our two pillars, Culture and Democracy. At the same time, Sønderborg Youth Council wants to create awareness about the initiatives, by and for young people, that already exist in the municipality.
Sønderborg Ungdomsråd is not a fully formed youth council, but is instead a dynamic council that is constantly evolving, and we always try to get better and meet wishes and ideas.
Sønderborg Youth Council holds general meetings and elections in October every year.
Youth council pool - pool for youth initiatives
On the occasion of Sønderborg Municipality becoming the Youth Municipality of the Year in Denmark in 2017, the City Council has set aside DKK 90.000 in a pool for activities and events - arranged by young people for young people.
Do you have a good idea for an activity, an event or something completely different for / by / with young people between 15 and 25 years? Then search the pool via our online application form.
The pool is DKK 90.000 and can be applied for by all young people, or people who do activities or events for young people between 15 - 25 years in Sønderborg Municipality.
Sønderborg Ungdomsråd assesses all applications, and there is a maximum of 14 days response time for the application.
If you have questions about the pool, the application or Sønderborg Ungdomsråd in general, you can send an email to sonderborg youth
- The growth thread
Sønderborg Vækstråd will, among other things, create more jobs and attract new labor to vacancies in the Sønderborg area.
- The Council of the Elderly
The Elderly Council is an advisory consultative body that advises the municipality's politicians on elderly policy issues. They convey views between citizens and the City Council on local policy issues concerning the elderly.
The Elderly Council looks after the interests of the elderly in all areas that are important to them. It is well-being in the municipality, including social, cultural, traffic, housing and urban planning conditions. Preventive work is also an important part of the activities of the Council of the Elderly. The work of the Council of the Elderly must cover the interests of all the elderly, regardless of functional level.
The Elderly Council consists of:
- Kirsten Bielefeldt (chairman)
- Dieter Jessen (Vice-Chairman)
- Bruno Clausen
- Tommy Andersen
- Orla Skovlund Hansen
- Marianne R. Nielsen
- Birgit Nebel
- And Ove Larsen
- Vita Bruhn Buss
Contact the chairman on tel. +45 20 95 09 51 or e-mail
Contact us
City Council Secretariat and Law
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 64 00