Dementia - help for you and your relatives
If you or one of your relatives has dementia, you can get help and advice to cope with everyday life.
We offer:
- counseling and guidance on dementia in citizens' homes, in care centers and in housing services
- guidance and coordination of municipal offers and opportunities as well as external partners
- What offers are there for people with dementia?
Dementia cafe
Come to our dementia café and meet other like-minded people with dementia close to home.
- The offer is free
- Everyone is welcome
- No registration is required (only for a few, larger events)
- Coffee and cake/fruit for a small fee
The dementia cafe is managed by the association Netværkshuset. You do not have to be a member of Netværkshuset to participate in the café offer.
The dementia cafe is held in Palmosehuset in Sønderborg, Palmose 14, Dybbøl, 6400 Sønderborg monthly. See the dementia café's calendar for 2024 by clicking here. Contact the chairman of Netværkshuset to hear more on tel.: +45 40 11 66 23.
Physical Activity
Physical activity can help delay the development of dementia, increase physical and mental resources and prevent lifestyle diseases.
Contact your dementia coordinator to find out more about offers in your local area.

Contact us
Competence Center for Dementia
Sommervej 17
6430 Nordborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 27 90 44 33