Dental care and orthodontics

Read more about dental care services such as dental care for children, social dental care, special dental care and dental care for vunerable citizens.
Is there free dental care for children?

Tandplejen offers free dental care to children and young people with a public register address in Sønderborg Municipality. 

The Danish Parliament has decided that children and young people born in 2004 or later receive free dental care until they turn 22.

The dental care offers the following:

  • Preventive dental care
  • Instructions on how to care for and brush your teeth (read toothbrush instructions) DanishEnglish og Arabic)
  • Examination and treatment of teeth, mouth and jaws

Your child is invited for the first time at the age of 2½. However, a project is currently being run where children at North Alsen are invited for a consultation already at the age of one.

It is assessed individually how long to go between the examinations of your child's teeth.

If your child goes to the dentist abroad, you can receive a subsidy for the same treatments that are eligible for a subsidy in Denmark. If you choose treatment abroad, you must settle with the dentist yourself, and afterwards you must apply for a subsidy from the municipality.

Read more about the rules for processing and applying for grants here.

Is there free choice of dentist?

You can freely choose to receive dental care at one of the municipal clinics or at private dentists. The level of service is determined by the municipality and is the same, regardless of whether the dental care is provided by private dentists or in municipal dental care.

The free choice scheme applies to the overall dental care offer, which includes general dental care and orthodontics cf. Dental Care Order §3 and §4.

If you want to change your dentist, you must contact Tandplejen Sønderborg Municipality. As a starting point, a change of dentist can take place 1 year after the last change at the earliest.

The free choice scheme for 0-15 year olds:
If you choose to receive dental care from a private dentist, you will have a co-payment of 35%. Tandplejen Sønderborg Municipality covers the remaining 65% of the expenses. The exception is orthodontics, where you can be reimbursed a maximum of 65% of the amount that a similar treatment would cost in municipal dental care. The remaining amount is self-payment.

The free choice scheme for 16-21 year olds:
If you choose to receive the dental care offer from a private dentist, 100% municipal payment is provided for ordinary dental care services. The exception is orthodontics, where you can get a maximum refund of the amount that a similar treatment would cost in municipal dental care. The remaining amount is self-payment.

Services outside municipally determined service levels:
If you want treatment from a private dentist who is outside the service level set by the municipality, or a treatment that cannot be approved by the municipality, you have the option of purchasing these services as an out-of-pocket payment. Out-of-pocket payments are settled directly with the private dentist.

What should I do if my child needs emergency dental care?

If your child falls and hits their mouth or teeth, you can contact Tandplejen during their opening hours on tel. +45 88 72 41 85.

Outside opening hours and during holidays, you can contact a private dentist. This is at no charge to you.

If the private dentist is closed, you can:

Baby tooth: Be aware that a baby tooth that has been knocked out must not be put back in place. Over time, the permanent tooth will grow in. 

Future tooth: A permanent tooth that has been knocked out must be placed behind the lower lip or in a glass of milk until you get treatment at the dental clinic as soon as possible. If the tooth is broken, the broken piece must be taken with it if it is possible to find it.

Can I have my teeth adjusted with a brace?

Your child's set of teeth is monitored on an ongoing basis and assessed for tooth position errors.

The National Board of Health has set a number of criteria for when you can get a brace:

  1. Damage to teeth and surrounding tissues
  2. Functional risks
  3. Late injuries
  4. Psychosocial risks

Skewed teeth in themselves are not enough to give the right to braces treatment. Here you can see a more detailed explanation.

Orthodontics is often offered if:

  • The jaws do not grow properly, ie. large overbite or underbite. Some overbites and underbites cannot be corrected with braces alone and will require surgical repositioning after growth is complete.
  • Cross bites are often a good idea to correct and some scissor bites
  • Extreme lack of space where the problem cannot be solved by tooth extraction alone
  • The teeth cannot come out or they have a wrong direction of eruption

Cosmetic orthodontics is not carried out in Tandplejen Sønderborg Municipality. Any orthodontic treatment requires that you have been inspected by Tandplejen Sønderborg Municipality.

Orthodontics is handled by Tandreguleringshuset, while Tandplejen helps to detect dental misalignment during regular examinations. All children and young people will be seen by a specialist dentist around the age of 13 for a systematic visitation. However, some dental malocclusions are either fully or partially corrected at an earlier time, already at the age of 6-9. 

You can contact Tandreguleringshuset on tel. +45 76 13 14 80.

Is there dental care for people with physical or mental disabilities?

The dental care for vunerable citizens is an offer for you with reduced physical or mental functioning, who:

  • are not able to take care of their own needs for dental care and / or
  • can not foresee the consequences of lack of dental care and / or
  • can not move by your own help or by using a lift or similar and / or
  • can not get outside their own home

Apply for care dental care through the form or call tel .: +45 88 72 45 23 (telephone hours are weekdays 08.00-09.00) or by e-mail:

When you have been examined for dental care, you can choose between Tandplejen Sønderborg Municipality or a private practicing dentist. There is one annual out-of-pocket payment, which is adjusted annually.

Examination and treatment take place as needed and usually in your own home or in a care center. If needed, treatment can also take place at one of the municipal dental care's three clinics. 

No subsidy is given for transport. 

Is there special dental care for people with physical or mental retardation?

Special dental care is a dental care offer for you who are physically or mentally handicapped, mentally ill or chronically ill with such a severe disability that you cannot use the regular dental care offers.

You will be referred to special dental care through a housing offer, private dentists / doctors / psychiatric hospital department or special day care.

If there are subsequent changes in your situation, you can be reffered by the specialist dental care.

What does special dental care cost?

There is one annual out-of-pocket payment, which is adjusted annually. The out-of-pocket payment is only applicable to persons who have reached the age of 18. There is no out-of-pocket payment for children under the age of 18.

If you are a member of Sygeforsikringen Danmark, you can apply for a subsidy for the deductible. As the grant does not happen automatically, you must apply for it yourself.

You are responsible for transport to and from the hospital.

Is there social dental care for vulnerable citizens?

Social dental care is a free offer for the particularly vulnerable who cannot use the existing dental care schemes in private dental practice, the municipal dental care or specialist dental care.

Who can be referred for social dental care?

  • If you are homeless and use hostels, warm rooms, drop-in centers, voluntary organizations eg the Kirkens Korshær due to homelessness
  • If you can not stay in your own home

Your social conditions, functional ability and dental treatment needs are crucial for the right to use social dental care and are independent of your livelihood.

The acute need for dental treatment depends on a dental assessment.

Requests for social dental care must be made through a social worker who, on your behalf, recommends social dental care at the dental care.

Can I complain to my dentist?

Read more about dental care and appeal options at or read more here about how to complain about municipal dental care.

Where can I find quality standards?

See all quality standards here.

Bumblebee high dental care

Contact us

Dental care

Stråbjergvej 5
6400 Sønderborg

Engparken 4
6300 Gråsten

Luffes Place 4
6430 Nordborg


Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 41 85


Mandag - fredag: 7.50 - 10.00 og 13.00 - 15.00