E-invoice and NemHandel

Suppliers and companies that supply goods and services to the municipality must send the invoices electronically. Read more about NemHandel and OIOUBL.

NemHandel offers a free electronic invoicing solution. The solution is available at virk.dk

What is NemHandel?

NemHandel is a technology that enables companies to send electronic invoices securely via the Internet. 

With NemHandel you get a receipt when your invoice has reached the recipient's system. NemHandel can, among other things, be used to send invoices to the entire public sector.

Read more about NemHandel at nemhandel.dk (opens new window)

What is OIOUBL?

OIOUBL is the new format you will need when shopping with the public.

Read more about OIOUBL and the invoice format in the public sector at oioubl.info


Contact us

Voldgade 3
6400 Sønderborg

Henvendelser vedr. udbud af varer- og tjenesteydelser: udbud@sonderborg.dk