Relocation of land

Read more about building on contaminated soil and rules about moving soil, eg in connection with construction.

Read more about building on contaminated soil and rules about moving soil, eg in connection with construction.

What should I do if I have to move land in connection with. construction?

When you want to move or dispose of more than 1 m3 land, eg in connection with construction, you must notify Sonderborg Municipality at This applies to both contaminated soil and soil from a public road.

Contact Water and Nature if you want to move soil from a plot that has been mapped as contaminated.

If you move the land to an approved facility, you must move the land as soon as you have notified it. 

A copy of the notification must accompany the land throughout the move.

If you need to move less than 1 m3 soil, you can drive it to a recycling site without notification.

What are the rates for notification of land relocation?
Type Rate
Reviews without analysis requirements 187,50 DKK
Land from classified areas attached to analysis results 375,00 DKK
Land for mapping at an approved land receiving facility 375,00 DKK
Soil from contaminated grounds attached to analyzes or soil management plan 1.875,00 DKK
Reminders of additional information 375,00 DKK
Reminders for data for closing cases 375,00 DKK
Overall notification pursuant to section 8 750,00 kr./t
Case processing in special cases after elapsed time 750,00 kr./t
Where can I see if my ground is contaminated?

On the map you can see which places are soil contaminated.

Do I have to build on a contaminated site?

If you are building a home on a contaminated site, you must be aware of:

  • That you must report the transfer of contaminated land to the municipality on
  • That you must apply for a permit if you want to build on a plot that has been mapped as contaminated and is located in an area with drinking water interests. 
  • That it is a requirement that the top 50 cm of the soil is not contaminated if you want to build a home, an allotment garden or a cottage on a slightly contaminated plot.
    This also applies in the case of an extension or other building and construction work. However, the requirement does not apply in the case of an extension to an existing 1- or 2- family house.
    The alternative is that the owner or user ensures that a permanent, solid coating is established on top of the contaminated soil. This can be done, for example, by laying tiles, asphalt or the like.

Apply for a building permit on contaminated land

Should I clean up my grounds if it is contaminated?

You can not be forced to pay for the removal of the contaminated soil on your land, as you are not to blame for the pollution. There is also no reason to expect your townhouse to fall in value. It applies to almost all houses in urban zones that the soil is basically area classified as slightly contaminated.

However, you should be aware that it costs money to remove soil from your land because analyzes of the soil must be taken before it is moved.

If your ground is slightly polluted, you will basically not get it cleaned up by the region. This is because lightly contaminated soil is not so contaminated that it needs to be removed - a few simple precautions are enough to ward off risks. You can of course carry out a clean-up of the pollution on your land yourself, if you pay for it yourself. Contact the Region of Southern Denmark and follows the region's advice and guidance for the remediation of contaminated land.

What should I do if I experience acute soil contamination?

In case of acute soil contamination, call 1-1-2 immediately. The alarm center makes sure to send the fire brigade and the Environmental Guard out to you.

If you encounter soil contamination in connection with building and construction work, you must stop the work immediately and call Water and Nature (see contact information in the box below). The construction work can only start again once we have inspected the pollution and made a decision on how the construction work can proceed.

Is it dangerous to live on a contaminated site?

The health risk of living on slightly contaminated soil is modest.


Contact us

Water and Nature
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg

Phone hours:

Monday - Wednesday: 9.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 9.00 am - 14.00 pm