Voluntary emergency response

Become a volunteer firefighter, help in the lake rescue service or the catering unit. Read more about emergency services Sønderborg.

The strong preparedness in Sønderborg municipality is largely due to voluntary efforts, and we need you to become part of the community. 

The contingency is a group of approximately 450 people of both employees and volunteers.

How do I become a firefighter?

In Sønderborg, it is primarily the volunteer fire brigades and employed firefighters who carry out firefighting, rescue and environmental work.

To become a firefighter / woman, you must go through an education consisting of a basic education of 74 hours and a functional education of 148 hours. The training takes place as a mixture of everyday and weekend activities.

When you are trained, you can, for example, provide first aid, free people from vehicles, smoke dive, search for people in buildings and of course put out fires. After your training, there will be ongoing exercises that ensure that everyone is kept up to date on the work as a firefighter.

You must also:

  • have a clean criminal record
  • be able to speak and understand Danish
  • be 18 years of age or older - and max. ca. 50 years, depending on physical shape and other competencies
  • be in reasonable physical shape (there is a physical test that must be passed)
  • be mentally strong - this means that you must be able to tolerate seeing blood and what is worse

You may not:

  • have fear of heights, claustrophobia, fear of dark rooms etc.
  • suffer from physical defects such as bad back, knees or hips

Interested in hearing more about how to become a firefighter?

Grab your local fire station to hear more. There is always a need for more hands, and you become part of a unique and inclusive community that solves an important societal task.

Can I become part of the catering unit?

The catering unit makes i.a. food for the emergency services in the entire Sønderborg Municipality during long-term efforts. In recent years, the device has also been needed during the prolonged cloudbursts as well as floods when pumping water over several days.

The catering unit is housed at Sønderborg and Gråsten Fire Station. Practice evenings are held approx. every 3 weeks.

As a volunteer in the catering unit, you get:

  • an education in first aid as well as elementary fire
  • participation in hygiene course
  • a good social community

Send an e-mail to Morten Toft Hansen at mrhs@sonderborg.dk to hear more.

Can I become part of the sea rescue service?

The sea rescue service is a voluntary unit that sails out in the event of accidents at sea, diving / rescue at sea and environmental tasks.

There are two boats in the Emergency Management Agency. One has its permanent place at the station in Sønderborg, and the other is at the fire station in Havnbjerg.

The sea rescue service in Sønderborg has approx. 20 volunteers as well as a number of permanent firefighters.

Contact Morten Toft Hansen at mrhs@sonderborg.dk for questions.

Can young people between the ages of 12-18 become part of the emergency services (Ungdomsbrandværn Sønderborg)?

Ungdomsbrandværn Sønderborg is an offer for young people aged 12-18 years, where they get the opportunity to try their hand at working as a firefighter / woman.

You get, among other things:

  • an inclusive community
  • self-confidence and resilience
  • strengthened professional, social and personal competencies suitable for school life

The offer consists of a fire cadet training of 65 hours of teaching, where the young people are taught the following:

  • Contingency organization and actors
  • Use of compressed air apparatus and the work of the smoke diver
  • Elemental fire fighting
  • Hazardous Material
  • Accident prevention
  • Physical exercise and health
  • First aid
  • Basic rescue
  • Knots and connectors
  • Communication and navigation
  • Hose laying
  • Rising
  • Uniforms, safety and lifting technician

The young people can be part of the youth fire brigade until they turn 18, and can then become part of the local emergency services and the basic fire training.

Contact the leader of the Youth Fire Brigade, Jens Frandsen, by e-mail jegr@sonderborg.dk or tel. +45 88 72 70 26.

Fire school

Action plans

Contact us

Emergency management services Sønderborg
Ingolf Nielsens Vej 17
6400 Sønderborg

Phone hours:

Monday - Wednesday: 10.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 10.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 10.00 am - 12.00 pm