Employment in social psychiatry
Vækthuset Socialpsychiatrien offers:
- Sheltered employment
- Work-oriented learning courses
- Activity and development centre
The social psychiatric service is divided into two departments:
- The Royal Kitchen Garden, Gråsten
- Sønderborg Castle
- Who can use the offers in Væksthuset Socialpsykiatrien?
To participate in an offer or learning process, you must be visited by the Job and Welfare authorities department or The job center.
- What is a learning process like?
The learning processes are organized to suit you and your learning pace.
In all learning processes, there will be some common themes, which are about work culture, among other things. social skills, personal appearance, communication and rules in the labor market.
- Where can I view audit reports?
Contact us
Social Psychiatry - Væksthuset Social Psychiatry
Feldstedvej 8
6300 Gråsten
E-mail: socialpsykiatri@sonderborg.dk
Tlf. nr.: +45 27 90 38 33