Facts about Sonderborg Municipality
Sønderborg Municipality has 74.233 inhabitants per. on January 1, 2024 and is the country's 18th largest municipality. Approx. 5.500 employees to take care of the municipality's operation, development and administration.
Sønderborg Municipality's total area is 495,86 km2.
- Sønderborg Municipality's core narrative
Read about the Positioning Plan for Sønderborg Municipality here
- Sønderborg Municipality's visions
- Population forecast
Here you can read the latest population forecast valid for the period 2024-2028. Among other things, the forecast provides a picture of how many children there must be room for in the municipality's day care institutions and how many pupils there are potentially in the individual school districts.
Contact us
The communications department
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg
E-mail: kommunikation@sonderborg.dk