Free psychological help for young people

If you struggle with psychological problems such as sadness, anxiety, grief, low self-esteem or unhappiness, as a young person between the ages of 15 and 25 you can get free psychological help.

Psychological help for young people is a free offer for you if:

  • You have psychological problems that affect your everyday life (e.g. sadness, anxiety, stress, social dissatisfaction, grief after loss, identity difficulties, difficulties with appetite or sleep, problems with self-confidence and self-esteem).
  • You do not have the option of psychological help elsewhere (e.g. via other municipal services, your educational institution/workplace or referred by your own doctor).
  • You are 15-25 years old.
  • You have an address in Sonderborg municipality.

Examples of problems can be:

  • Parental / family issues
  • School and work-related problems
  • Experiences of grief and loss
  • Identity problems

Free Psychological Help is not an emergency offer, and we are not able to provide emergency help for psychological problems. If you are in an emergency situation, you must therefore contact your own doctor or the emergency medical service for advice on where to seek help here and now.

How does a course take place at Gratis Psykologhjælp?

When you contact Free Psychological Help, you will speak to a psychologist. The psychologist assesses, on the basis of your conversation, whether your problem is covered by the scheme's offer, or whether you would be better helped elsewhere. If your call is not answered, please leave a message.

During the telephone conversation, you and the psychologist will create an overview of the problems you would like help with. Sometimes it can be unclear on the basis of the telephone conversation, and then you are offered a visiting interview for further assessment.

The waiting time varies, we will try to give you the first time for an inspection interview within four weeks.

You can get up to 5 free calls from a psychologist, which will be based on your current problems.

Is the psychological help anonymous?

The fact that the offer is anonymous means that we do not create a journal on you. We need your name and phone number so we can contact you if we have to change our agreement. At the first interview, we will ask you to document your age and place of residence, for example by looking at your yellow health insurance card.

We have a duty of confidentiality. This means that we cannot discuss our conversations with others without your permission.

What are the rules regarding cancellations and absences?
When you are offered a course, it is important that you prioritize getting to the interviews.

If you are prevented, e.g. due to illness, you must cancel at the latest on the same day at 8.30, otherwise it counts as a visit. Please cancel as early as possible so that your time can go to someone else.

You must contact us to get a new appointment - otherwise your case will be closed.

What are the rules regarding cancellations and absences?

When you are offered a course, it is important that you prioritize getting to the interviews.

If you are prevented, e.g. due to illness, you must cancel at the latest on the same day at 8.30, otherwise it counts as a visit. Please cancel as early as possible so that your time can go to someone else. 

You must contact us to get a new appointment - otherwise your case will be closed.

As a parent or relative, can I contact Free Psychological Help?

As a parent, relative or business partner, you are welcome to contact Gratis Psykologhjælp to get one assessment of whether your child is in the target group for the offer.

However, it is important that the young person is motivated to and wants to talk to a psychologist. As a starting point, the young person must be able to make contact and arrange an appointment yourself.

Verbal feedback about the process can be given to you as a parent, relative or business partner, if the young person wants it.

Girl to psychologist

Contact us

Health Center - GPU
Grundtvigs Allé 150
6400 Sønderborg

E-mail: (Send gerne dit telefonnummer med i henvendelsen)

Telefonnummer 23 99 19 63:
Mandag   kl. 08.00 - 09.00
Torsdag   kl. 08.00 - 09.00
Fredag    kl. 08.00 - 09.00

Telefonnummer 92 43 30 29:
Tirsdag   kl. 08.15 - 09.15
Onsdag   kl. 08.15 - 09.15

If the phone is not answered, leave your name and phone number and you will be contacted.