Damage caused by loose animals

Here you can contact us regarding questions about compensation for damage caused by loose animals.

Notification of compensation claims must be made to Sonderborg Municipality, Secretariat, within 7 days after the damage has occurred. 

What should I state in my complaint?

On the complaint, you must state the name, residence of the owner of the animal that caused the damage.

What does it cost to bring a field and road peace case?

It costs DKK 1.545 to file a case.

If, exceptionally, 3 assessors participate, it costs DKK 2.163.

What rules are there for field and road peace?

Read about the Field and Road Safety Act at retsinformation.dk

Cows in the field

Contact us

City Council Secretariat and Law
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg