Holiday care and closing days in SFO and club
In connection with school holidays and closing days and on days when there is traditionally a low attendance, sampasing (holiday childcare) is offered in after-care centers. This means that appointed SFOs are responsible for the overall care for an area.
This will be announced in good time via your child's after-school program, both during which time periods and in which after-school program/institution the matching is established.
- Can I get holiday care in after-school and club?
after school:
Holiday childcare is offered in preschool for preschool children (coming 0th grade), 0th, 1st and 2nd grade children.
The child is considered an SFO child up to and including 31.07. in the year in which the child stops in 2nd grade.
To be covered for holiday care during the school year's holiday periods (11 months), the child must be enrolled in a module that includes holidays. If the child does not have a module in which holiday is included, a module change must be made to another module in which holiday is included. This module change must take place no later than the date on which the holiday begins.
If you want a module without holiday childcare when the holiday is over, the parent must arrange for a module change to a module without holiday. There is one month's notice when changing modules to a module with fewer hours. The module change (up/down) can be made several months before the holiday period begins.
Holiday care in July:
If you need holiday care during the weeks in July, these weeks must be purchased in addition to the child's enrollment in the basic module.
The holiday care in the month of July is purchased additionally per week via The Digital Place Guide. A holiday week can be canceled if care is not needed anyway, no later than Friday at 12 before the holiday week begins.
Holiday care is offered in the club for 3rd and 4th grade children who are registered in the club. The holiday childcare is offered on the days and weeks when the school is closed during the school year.
The child is considered a club child from 1 August in the year in which the child starts 3rd grade.
Holiday care for club children, during the 11 months of the year, can be purchased additionally per day via The Digital Place Guide.Holiday care for club children in the month of July is purchased per week, also via The Digital Location Guide.
When you are logged in to The Digital Location Guide, you must press the button at the bottom of the page "find another fit". You must book a place in your own SFO/club, even if holiday childcare is offered in another SFO/club. - Which childcare centers / clubs are open, have closed or offer summer holiday childcare?
Registration for holiday childcare must be done through The Digital Place Guide. Once you are logged in, press the button at the bottom of the page "find another match". You must book a place in your own SFO/club, even if holiday childcare is offered in another SFO/club.
School Status Holiday babysitting offer Augustenborg School Open all week Lysabild Children's Universe Closed 29th, 30th and 31st Fynshav Children's Universe Hørup Central school Open all week Nørreskov School Open all week Sønderskov School Open all week Nydam school Open all week Nybøl Children's Universe Open all week Broager School Open all week Gråsten School Open all week Fynshav Children's Universe Open all week Nordals School Open all week Ahlmann-Skolen Closed 29, 30 and 31 Sønderskov School Humlehøj School Closed 29, 30 and 31 Sønderskov School Ulkebøl School Closed 29, 30 and 31 Sønderskov School Dybbøl-the school Closed 29, 30 and 31 Sønderskov School Rinkenæs School Closed 29th, 30th and 31st Gråsten School in week 29 and 30 Clover School Open all week - What other closing days are there in SFO and the club, and is holiday childcare offered?
It is closed without the possibility of holiday care on the following days:
- 5 June (Constitution Day)
- December 24 (Christmas Eve)
- 31. December
In addition, it is closed on the following days, when holiday care is offered:
- 10 May (the day after Christ's Day)
- 27. December
- 30. December
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Jyllandsgade 38
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 47 55