Reports of negligence
Do you know a child or young person for whom you have doubts as to whether there is cause for concern?
Children and young people under the age of 18 with social difficulties or in dissatisfaction can display worrying behaviour. The reasons for the difficulties can be many and have fertile ground in relationships both inside and outside the family.
- What signs can there be if a child or young person is frustrated?
The list below is not exhaustive, but some possible examples of signs of unhappiness. It may be that the child:
• Cries a lot
• Is not curious and inquisitive about the outside world
• Exhibits sadness or depressive symptoms
• Is socially isolated
• Appears anxious or has anxiety
• Exhibits compulsive behaviour
• Is aggressive
• Often comes into conflict with other children
• Is very dependent on adults
• Has a lack of concentration
• Has delayed development and learning difficulties
• Have nightmares or sleep problems
• Has eating problemsSome children or young people under the age of 18 may have other and more hidden expressions of their unhappiness, which may be harder to spot at first glance, because they have developed strategies in which they adapt and do not draw attention to themselves.
- Who can I talk to about my concerns?
If you need to speak to a professional about your concern, you can contact the Day Care Center in Children and Families on tel. no. 27 90 42 42.
Do you need urgent help with e.g. violence - both psychological and physical, abuse, negative social control, abuse, serious neglect or other conditions which are an acute danger to the child or young person under the age of 18, you must call the Day Care Service in Children and Families on tel. 27 90 42 42. Outside the municipality's opening hours, you must call the police on 114 and ask for the social rear guard.
- Do I have a duty to make a notification if I suspect a child is unwell?
As a citizen do you have duty to notify the municipality if you become aware that a child or young person under the age of 18 is being subjected to neglectful or degrading treatment or is living in conditions that endanger the child's health or development.
If you choose to notify, you do not need to inform the parents of your contact with Sønderborg Municipality. If you inform about violence and abuse, you must not inform the parents of your notification, as it may have an impact on the child's or young person's safety and the Police's ability to secure any proof. It is Sønderborg Municipality that assesses how and when the parents are informed.
Public employees have a stricter notification obligation.

Contact us
Day care in Children and Families
Jyllandsgade 36
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 27 90 42 42