Become a supplier to Sønderborg Municipality and see tenders
As a supplier you can on find an overview of active EU tenders and tenders above the thresholds.
There are differences in the tender procedures depending on whether your company is interested in selling goods and services to Sønderborg Municipality or wants to solve construction and civil engineering tasks. It is also used various processes for tendering and tendering everything according to the size of the projects.
- Where can I see upcoming tenders at Sønderborg Municipality?
Sønderborg Municipality prepares an annual tender plan for which tenders are to be carried out.
- How do I become a supplier of goods and services to Sønderborg Municipality?
Tenders for goods and services above the threshold values are published both on EU tender portal (ETHICS) og
On ETHICS As a supplier, you have the opportunity to follow the tender, communicate with the municipality as the contracting authority and submit a tender.
Minor assignments for goods and services must not be put out to public tender, but offered on market terms. You must therefore be welcome to contact the Tender Department if you wish to present goods or services to specific departments or administrations in the municipality.
- How do I become a supplier of building and construction tasks to Sønderborg Municipality (Craftsman List)?
For smaller projects up to DKK 300.000, the municipality does not have to tender the project publicly, but typically several offers are obtained for projects that exceed DKK 50.000.
Companies that subscribes to the Craftsman List and the Adviser List will have the opportunity to bid on the municipality's construction projects.
Register your company for the list here. You can always unsubscribe again by sending an email to
- Can I become a supplier of food service to citizens of Sønderborg Municipality?
You can become a supplier of food service to citizens of Sønderborg Municipality who cannot cook themselves and therefore need food delivered.
Suppliers can request to be approved in one or more of the following categories:
- Main course + starter and/or dessert with daily home delivery, normal and special diet
- Main course + starter and/or dessert with weekly home delivery, normal and special diet
- Main course + starter and/or dessert with daily home delivery, diet food
- Main course + starter and/or dessert with weekly home delivery, diet food
The municipality approves suppliers of food service twice a year in March and in September.
You apply by complete and submit an application form og meet the quality requirements.
- Can I become a supplier of goods delivery to citizens of Sønderborg Municipality?
Citizens who are not able to buy groceries themselves can be granted help with shopping.
It is possible to apply to be approved as a supplier of paid goods delivery, where Sønderborg Municipality has entered into a contract with a number of free choice suppliers.
Interested suppliers can apply for approval four times a year. Application deadlines are February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1. Interested suppliers apply for approval by sending request form for Care and Development. Before entering into a contract, the supplier must send a copy of The Danish Business Authority's service certificate to the municipality.
- Is Sønderborg Municipality involved in some shopping communities?
Sønderborg Municipality is part of two public procurement communities:
- SKI: Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbsfælleskab
- KomUdbud: A procurement collaboration between 15 Funen and Jutland municipalities
The two communities give the municipality the opportunity to join a wide range of procurement agreements in the areas where it can provide value.

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Contact us
Voldgade 3
6400 Sønderborg
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