Environmental approvals
Larger companies and companies that can pollute the environment must have an environmental permit.
If you have a farm, you can download an app for it android or iphone.
- Do I need an environmental permit?
Larger companies and companies that can pollute the environment must have a environmental approval. You must have an environmental permit if you:
- starts a business subject to approval
- expands or changes your business so that it becomes subject to approval
- expands or changes the buildings or activities of a company subject to approval to increase / change pollution
- moves an approved company to a new address before you build, or starts an approved company, and if you later expand or change the company's buildings or activities.
If you are in doubt about something, you can also contact Business Service.
- What is the case processing time for an environmental approval?
The State and the National Association of Local Authorities have agreed on service targets for environmental approval of companies, which determine the average maximum time that may be required to grant an environmental approval. The targets are 130 days for Annex 2 companies and 200 days for Annex 1 companies.
The case processing time is calculated from the time when we have received all information in the case. Therefore, it is important that your application material is processed before submission. If the activity is covered by the rules on risk companies or companies subject to EIA, the case processing time is usually longer.
Most applications that Sønderborg Municipality has received in the last year have been notified with a significantly shorter case processing time.
- How much does it cost to get an environmental approval?
The municipality charges a user fee for the time the municipality's case manager uses in connection with the preparation of the environmental approval for the company or livestock farm.
If the application is cancelled, the company or livestock farm will be charged for the time the case manager has spent on the preparation until the cancellation.The user payment is calculated on an hourly basis according to time consumed, and the index is adjusted annually by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Current hourly rate - DKK: DKK 451,36 per hour.
You can read more about user payment and the rates The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's website.

Contact us
Business and Waste
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg
E-mail: erhverv-affald@sonderborg.dk
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 40 83
Phone hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 9.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 9.00 am - 14.00 pm