Native language classes
The deadline for registration for the 2024-2025 school year was Wednesday 22 May 2024.
Sonderborg Municipality offers mother tongue classes in different languages according to the following guidelines:
- mother tongue classes are voluntary
- students who want mother tongue instruction must enroll, also children who receive education in this school year
- mother tongue instruction is free
- the registration is valid throughout the school year
- a class is set up if there are 12 students enrolled and a qualified teacher can be hired
- the teaching is usually 3 lessons a week
- The teaching takes place as a starting point in the schools where there are the most registered pupils in the individual language
- the parents must arrange transport to and from the lessons themselves
- teaching takes place after normal school hours
- you can not choose your teacher, but only the language in which the child is to be taught
- if the child is unable to attend classes, the parents have a duty to notify the school
- What teaching is offered in the school year 2024-2025?
In the school year 2024-2025, classes are offered in Arabic and German. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year has ended and it is no longer possible to register.
- How do I enroll my child in mother tongue education?
Pupils at the municipality's primary schools are given a registration form at the school or at AULA. The registration is returned to the school or sent by mail to
Prospective kindergarten class students and students at independent and private schools can fill in the registration form by following the link at the top of the page.
- Is there a difference in what education my child is offered in relation to our citizenship?
EU and EEA countries
Compulsory education is offered to all pupils in Sønderborg Municipality in 0th - 9th grade, who are supported by a person residing in Denmark who is a citizen of another EU Member State or in a state covered by the EEA agreement. Tuition is offered in the official language of that state.
Countries outside the EU
Voluntary municipal teaching, which is offered to pupils in the municipality's primary schools in 0th - 3rd grade.

Contact us
Children, Education and Health
Jyllandsgade 36
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 27 90 52 63