Retirement homes
The retirement homes are for the most part two-room homes located in the cities close to the nursing homes.
Information about interior design, facilities, etc. is available by contacting the housing association that owns the homes for the elderly. You can see a comprehensive overview of Sonderborg Municipality's elderly housing in the application form on page 3.
- Who can be placed on a waiting list for a nursing home?
You can be placed on a waiting list for a retirement home if:
- Due to a physical disability, you have a lasting need for a home that is specially designed for the elderly or disabled.
- You are preferably over 65 years of age and can become significantly more self-reliant in relation to practical tasks (eg shopping, laundry or cleaning) if you get a home that is specially designed for the elderly.
- You are preferably over 65 years of age and will be significantly more self-reliant in relation to personal care if you get a home that is specially designed for the elderly.
- You are preferably over 65 years of age and due to special individual mental or social conditions you have a lasting need for housing that is located in the immediate vicinity of a care center with activities and social activities for the elderly that you want to participate in.
It is an overall assessment of your needs that is decisive for whether you can be granted a home for the elderly.
- Who can not get a nursing home?
You can not be offered a home for the elderly if:
- Your application is based on the location of your current home, that the home has become too large or expensive, or that the garden is too unmanageable.
- Your current home can be decorated appropriately by allocating aids or minor home changes.
- Your need for another home is due to external access conditions such as stairs, level differences or the like.
- You need a continuous effort around, for example, activities and social gatherings, and you are able to use the municipality's offer of daycare for the elderly or private offers.
- Age is the reason for the application for a retirement home.
- The municipality estimates that you do not need a home for the elderly, which in its interior is specially designed for the elderly, disabled and people with extensive physical and mental disabilities.
- How do I apply for a retirement home?
You fill out the application form and send it to us.
Together with you and possibly your relatives, we assess your level of function and needs.
You will be placed on the municipality's waiting list if you are approved for elderly housing. When a home for the elderly becomes vacant, the home is offered to the person who has the greatest need for the home in question. If the need is the same for two people, the home for the elderly is offered to the person who has been on the waiting list for the longest time.
If you are granted a retirement home, you are free to choose whether you want to live in one of Sonderborg Municipality's retirement homes or in a retirement home in another municipality. However, it is a prerequisite that the relocation municipality also assesses that you meet their conditions for a home for the elderly.
- Where can I see case processing times and quality standards?
Contact us
Care and Development
Ellegårdvej 25A
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 51 16 eller +45 88 72 56 42
Phone hours:
All weekdays: 8.00 - 9.00