Office student

Read more about Sønderborg Municipality's office apprentice training.

Sønderborg Municipality's office student education is an education specializing in public administration.

How is the training as an office trainee structured?

The Office Apprenticeship is a 2-year paid education course in Sønderborg Municipality with a specialization in public administration. If you are 25 years of age or older, the course may be slightly shorter. It depends on your theoretical and practical prerequisites, which will be clarified by a prior learning assessment at your business school.

Employment as an office trainee:

  • 5-6 office trainees are employed annually in Sønderborg Municipality.
  • The employment is 37 hours per week.
  • The job advertisement will be published in mid-February 2025, and approx. 6 students annually starting on 1 September. 
  • Salary and employment conditions cf. collective agreement between KL and HK-municipal. 

Internship periods:
The training consists of internship periods of a duration of 6-12 months, which take place in the administration in the various administrations, staffs and decentralized units, which are geographically spread throughout the municipality. Thereby, the student will have 2-3 different internships during the course. This is how the office apprentice training is ensured to provide broad knowledge, a large network, good experience and an understanding of the work within and across the entire public organisation. 

School periods:
The school terms take place in collaboration with - and are held at Business College Syd at Mommark Handelskostskole. During the two years, you must attend a total of 15 weeks at school, one week of which is used to write and prepare for the subject test. In addition, students are offered two courses at academy level: Communication in practice and Project management in practice.

Study trip to Brussels:
You will be offered the opportunity to participate in a paid study trip to the EU's "capital", Brussels. The trip extends over 4-5 days. 
On the trip you will gain knowledge and great insight into the EU system. Visit to, among other things The European Parliament, the Commission, the Plenary Hall and The Palace of Justice are just some of the places you get to experience on the tour. The visits are supported by content-rich presentations and exciting lectures, as well as plenty of opportunities to see and experience some of the city's sights.

During the entire office apprentice training course, there will be solid guidance attached

Internship supervisors:
In order to ensure an optimal educational process, the students in each department are assigned an internship supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the student achieves his learning goals; including responsibility for the training course in the department and for professional training and personal development.

Education officer / student coordinator:
The education officer is the contact person for all office students. She is, among other things, responsible for hiring and placing the students in the organization. She ensures the coordination of the education course in both academic years.

Mentoring scheme:
The students will be part of a mentoring scheme across the administrations. The mentor scheme (student to student) helps to ensure a safe start, a strong social cohesion and sparring regarding school, assignments and more.   

What are the entry requirements to be considered for the clerkship training at Sønderborg Municipality?

To be considered, you must have completed the entrance exam:

  • You can apply as a student if you have completed an EUX course with office as a subject. It is a vocational education with a secondary school exam, and you therefore become both skilled in office work and gain general study skills
  • If you have an HHX, you can apply directly as a student. If you have an STX or a HF, you must supplement with an EUD student of 5 weeks, which you complete at a business school.
  • If you have an HG, you can apply as a student if your diploma says "Public administration".

You may have work experience, but it is not a requirement. Your professional qualifications are important, but your personal qualities play at least as big a role. We particularly value responsibility, readiness for change and go-ahead courage. 

Contact us

HR & Working Environment
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg