Join the Team – Sports for participants with developmental disabilities or special challenges

Join the team! Joining the Team is about helping adults with developmental disabilities or special challenges to play sports.

Med på Holdet is about helping adults with developmental disabilities or special challenges to practice sports in local association life.

Click on the individual offer to watch a video of what they are about.


Activity Association The When Cost
Soccer (outdoors) Sønderborg Football Club SFS Hall, Sønderborg Thursday at 16.30 pm - 18.00 pm
DKK 500 / year
Soccer (indoor) Sønderborg Football Club SFS Hall, Sønderborg Thursday at 16.30 pm - 17.30 pm 
DKK 500 / year
Hockey Sønderborg Handicap Sports State School, Sønderborg Every other Wednesday at 17.00-19.00 DKK 300 / year
Swimming Sønderborg Handicap Sports Humlehøj Hallen, Sønderborg Friday at 19.10-20.40
DKK 300 / year
Bowling Sønderborg Handicap Sports Fun Bowling, Damgade 106, Sønderborg On Tuesdays in odd-numbered weeks at 17.00-18.00
DKK 300 / year
Tandem cycling Sønderborg Handicap Sports Behind the old Sønderborg library Wednesday at 18.15-20.00
DKK 300 / year
Showdown Sønderborg Handicap Sports Kløvermarkshallen Monday at 14.00 pm - 15.30 pm DKK 300 / year
Shooting (outdoors) Sønderborg Shooting Circle The shooting range at Kær Vestermark Monday or Wednesday at 18.00-19.30
DKK 450 / year
Shooting (indoor) Sønderborg Shooting Circle Humlehøj Hallen, Sønderborg Tuesday or Thursday at 18.00-19.30
DKK 450 / year
E-Sports Sønderborg eSport Club Det Blå Gymnasium, Sønderborg Tuesday at 17.00-19.00 DKK 750 / year
Handball Dybbøl IU Håndbold Skansen, Sønderborg Monday at 16.00 pm - 17.00 pm DKK 300 / year
Biking The venue 12eren Sundquistsgade 12, Sønderborg Monday at 15.30 pm - 16.30 pm Free
Walking The venue 12eren Sundquistsgade 12, Sønderborg Tuesdays at approx. 16.00-16.30 Free


Activity Association The When Cost
Bowling The cone cube ALF Gråsten Ahlmannsparken, Ahlefeldvej 4, 6300 Gråsten Wednesdays at 16.00-17.00 DKK 305 / year
Cool Sport (gymnastics) Gråsten Sports and Gymnastics Association Gråsten School's gymnasium Thursdays at 17.00-17.45 DKK 400 / year
Dart KGGO Gråsten Ahlmannsparken, Ahlefeldvej 4, 6300 Gråsten Wednesdays in even weeks: at 14.00-17.00
Wednesdays in odd-numbered weeks: 19.00-21.30
DKK 200 / year


Activity Association The When Cost
Walking Nordborg Running Club Nordals Hallen, Nordborg Monday at 16.30-17.30 DKK 200 / year
Miniature golf Nord-Als Mini Golf Club Mosevang 5, Nordborg Wednesday at 18.30-19.30
DKK 300 / year
Badminton Nordborg Badminton Club Nordals Hallen, Nordborg Tuesday at 16.00-17.00
DKK 200 / year
Bowling Nordal's Bowling Club Nordal's Sports Centre Wednesday at 16.00-17.00 DKK 300 / year
Shooting Nordal's Shooting Circle  Oksbølvej 18, Nordborg Wednesday at ~18.00 p.m DKK 650 / year
Swimming Sønderborg Handicap Sports Nordals Hallen, Nordborg Wednesdays in even weeks (September - May) at 15.30-16.30 DKK 400 / year

For children and young people

Activity Association The When Cost
Football in Gråsten (indoors) Gråsten Ball Club Kværs Hallen, Avntoftvej 8, Gråsten Mondays at 16.00-17.30 (autumn holiday-Easter) DKK 400 / year
Football in Gråsten (outdoors) Gråsten Ball Club Årsbjerg Sports Center, Buskmosevej 2, 6300 Gråsten Mondays at 16.00-17.30 (Easter-autumn holiday) DKK 400 / year
Can I try out some of the sports before I start?

If you don't know what to do, every year in September you can take part in Med på Team's Sports Day, where you can try your hand at new or familiar sports, or you can try being a volunteer.

If this might be something for you, call Med på Team's sports officer Frederik on 27 90 69 80

Participating in the Team's Sports Day

Contact us

Care and Development – ​​Social
Ellegårdvej 25A
6400 Sønderborg

Tlf. nr.: +45 27 90 69 80