Parking fees and appeal options
Before you complain about a parking fee, we will ask you to check it.
The parking fee must be paid no later than 10 days after the date of the offense. The date of the imposition of the parking fee is stated in the receipt.
Parking control Syd's parking service assistants issue parking fees in Sønderborg Municipality, Tønder Municipality and Aabenraa Municipality.
- Why do I get a parking fee?
Parking fees or parking fines are issued for vehicles that do not respect the applicable parking rules in parking or stopping in traffic law.
The fee is placed behind the vehicle's windscreen wiper on the car's windscreen and consists of a talon, which is a replacement from our electronic tax register.
On the printout you can see:
- Date and time of listing
- The place where the car is listed
- The car's registration number and country of registration
- Car make
- The number of the offense and a description of the specific offense
- The amount of the tax
- The serial number of the tax
- The name of the municipality that has checked and issued the parking fee
- How do I pay my parking fee?
Via online banking
You can pay the parking fee via online banking with the payment information provided on the ticket.
Payment of the tax can only be made by using the payment information provided on the ticket.
The tax must be paid at once, and no agreement can normally be made on an installment plan.
There is no discount on parking fees.
Via bank transfer
You can pay your parking fee in either Danish kroner or euros through a bank transfer to:
Jernbanegade 35
6400 SønderborgFor international transfers, payment can be made to:
IBAN: DK1480100006400007
Swift / BIC code: SYBKDK22
Sonderborg Municipality
Rådhustorvet 10
DK-6400 SønderborgPlease provide the parking fee number or your car's registration number (number plate) and the payment number on your parking fee (+71<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX+81543976<).
- How do I pay my parking fee abroad? (paying your parking ticket)
Parking fine
Payment must be made by bank transfer to SYDBANK Sonderborg (Denmark) and the amount must be paid in Euro (€).
Payment instruction:
Swift: SYBKDK22
IBAN: DK1480100006400007Please note that the parking ticket ID-number (10-character) and license plate number must be specified and the amount must be paid/transferred in Euro (€)
- How do I complain about a parking fee?
If you have received a parking fee that you believe has been given unjustifiably, then you have the opportunity to send a complaint to Parkeringskontrol Syd via the complaint form at the top. It must be clear from your complaint why you are complaining about your tax. Submit a complaint about parking charges here.
If you do not have a Danish CPR number, you can complain via email to
Remember that Parkeringskontrol Syd decides complaints about parking fees based on whether the Traffic Act or the parking rules have been violated. That you as a motorist have been in good faith is not in itself enough to waive a tax.
Imposed parking fees are only changed in the event of errors on the part of Parking Control South or in vital emergency situations.
Your complaint must be received by Parkeringskontrol Syd, so that the payment deadline of 10 days can be met if the complaint is rejected by Parkeringskontrol Syd.
- What happens if I do not pay my parking fee?
If you do not pay your parking fee on time, a payment reminder will be sent to the registered owner or user. If the parking fee is still not paid, a reminder procedure will be initiated with imposed handling fees.
If you still do not want to pay for the tax, the case is then transferred to the National Debt Management Agency.
- What is the amount of a parking fee?
A parking fee (parking fine) currently amounts to DKK 510 / DKK 1020 depending on the nature of the offense (exempt from VAT).
For vehicles over 3500 kg, the parking fee currently amounts to DKK 2040 (exempt from VAT).
- Where can I see an overview of parking spaces?
See an overview and read more about parking spaces in Sønderborg Municipality.
Contact us
Parking South
Digital Post: Send generel henvendelse/spørgsmål
Send klage over parkeringsafgift/-bøde
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 74 74
Phone hours:
Monday - Tuesday: 8.00 am - 11.00 pm
Thursday - Friday: 8.00 am - 11.00 am