Pool for the renovation of building facades in Gråsten's central town centre
If you own a home or rental property worthy of preservation in Gråsten's historic town centre, which is included in sub-areas I and II in local plan 7.1-8 and built before 1960, you can apply for a subsidy for exterior renovation.
Grants can also be applied for buildings that, according to the local plan, have been designated as being of conservation interest.
Subsidies are only given for projects that support the historical and urban environmental experience of the city center and that maintain or promote the original architecture and conservation value of the property in question.
The deadline for submitting an application is Friday 28 February 2025 and again Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Upcoming application deadlines will be continuously updated.
The grant scheme will be available until the pool's grant framework is exhausted. The total framework is DKK 1,25 million. DKK
- Who can apply for a grant from the pool?
You can apply for the grant if:
- You are the owner or co-owner of a home built before 1960 and live in the home.
- You own a private rental property that was built before 1960, is approved for year-round occupancy, and is rented out in accordance with rental legislation.
- Your property is located within subarea I or II, cf. local plan 7.1-8 and faces and is visible from Borggade, Torvet, Slotsgade, Fredensgade, Jernbanegade, Ringgade, Nygade, AD Jørgensensgade and Kongevej. See the delimitation of the sub-areas.
- According to map appendix 7 in local plan 7.1-8, the property is designated as worthy of conservation (conservation value 1-4) or as being of conservation interest. See the local plan's cultural heritage map.
Other buildings, which are not covered by conservation interests, can, based on an overall consideration of the cultural environment, be considered for applying for support, if the desired restoration is assessed to support the experience of the cultural environment.
- What can I apply for a grant for?
Subsidies are given for exterior renovation and aim to strengthen the cultural environment in Gråsten town center by returning the buildings to their original style and materials.
There can e.g. Grants are granted for the repair and/or recovery of:
- Roofs, gutters and chimneys, dormers, towers and skylights.
- Outer wall, facade decorations and architectural details.
- Linked windows, cast iron windows and internal front windows. (Subsidies are not given for modern window principles, including false bars and wooden/aluminium windows)
- Doors and gates in original design.
- Bay windows, balconies, verandas and conservatories that are part of the original building.
Within the local plan's sub-area I, grants can be applied for:
- Restoration and renovation of facades, where an architectural connection is created between the shop lot of the property and the above facade elements.
- Restoration and renovation of facades, where the building's architectural appearance and conservation value are supported or promoted.
Within the local plan's sub-area II, in addition to the above facade elements, grants can be applied for:
- Conversion of shop fronts to housing, on the condition that the conversion ensures the building's style-historical construction practice and conservation value. In addition, in this connection it is a requirement that a change of use from commercial to residential has been applied for and approved by the municipality.
- Restoration and renovation of facades, where the building's architectural appearance and conservation value are supported or promoted.
- How much can I get in support?
- The subsidy can amount to a maximum of 1/3 of the eligible expenses.
- The same property can receive a maximum of DKK 100.000 in subsidies within a period of two years.
- Commitments cannot be given for support for refurbishment where the total expenditure is below DKK 20.000.
- For pledges that exceed DKK 50.000, a declaration is registered on the property with conditions that the grant amount is fully or partially repaid in the event that the property is sold within 10 years of the grant being issued. When more than 10 years have passed since the grant was issued, there are no conditions for full or partial repayment of the grant amount. For amounts below DKK 50.000, a declaration does not have to be registered.
- In the case of many applications or resource-related challenges, the funds are distributed after a consideration of, among other things:
- To what extent does the renovation underpin the overall cultural environment.
- The visibility of the building in the public space, where, for example, a facade to a square is weighted higher than a facade to a car park.
- To what extent the overall architectural integrity and conservation value of the building is enhanced after the renovation is completed.
- How do I apply for a grant?
To complete the application form, you must have prepared the following:
- obtaining a minimum of 2 comparable offers from relevant advisers (for projects where the total sum exceeds DKK 300.000, the project must be tendered to a minimum of 3 advisers)
- a description of the project
- photos of existing conditions
- project drawings of future conditions
The application form can be found in the link at the top of the page.
- What are the criteria for applying?
- The applied for renovation must not be started before a final commitment for support has been given.
- The application must be in accordance with local plan 7.1-8 Gråsten city centre.
- Commitments can only be given for support for restoration that maintains or increases the building's conservation value by using techniques, products and materials that were commonly used in the time period in which the building was constructed.
- Grants are only given in cases where grants or support from other public bodies for the same task have not been applied for or obtained.
- Commitments cannot be given for support for general maintenance, such as cleaning and algae treatment, etc., which do not take place in connection with other eligible renovations.
- The refurbishment must be completed and reported as completed by sending invoices for the eligible renovation works, within 1 year of the grant date. The amount of support is paid when Sønderborg Municipality has inspected and approved the project, and registered a possible declaration cf. above point.
In addition, the following criteria apply to owner-occupied and cooperative housing built before 1960:
- You can apply for support for properties worthy of preservation if you live in the property. If your property is partly let, you can only apply for support for the part of the property in which you live.
- Any support according to other legislation, the eligible expenses are deducted when calculating the grant. The owner is obliged to inform the municipal council about this.
In addition, the following criteria apply to rental properties:
- You can apply for support for conservation-worthy, private rental properties that are approved for year-round occupancy and are rented out in accordance with rental legislation.
- The following are deducted from the eligible expenses when calculating the subsidy:
- any support according to other legislation
- deposits on external maintenance accounts according to § 18 and 18 b of the Housing Regulation Act.
- deposited in the improvement account according to the Tenancy Act, to the extent that work is carried out that can be financed from this account.
- for owners liable to income tax, a share of the expenses for construction loan interest relating to temporary financing of expenses for maintenance work, which for companies liable to income tax etc. amounts to 30 per cent. and for persons liable for income tax, 33 per cent.
- expenses which are covered by insurance, discount or similar cannot be included in the eligible expenses. The owner is obliged to inform the municipal council about this.
Read more in Chapter 3, Section 12 of the Urban Renewal Act. - Where can I read the architecture and conservation policy for Sønderborg Municipality?
You can read more about the architecture and conservation policy HERE.
Contact us
City and Landscape
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg
E-mail: by-landskab@sonderborg.dk
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 40 72
Opening hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 8.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 8.00 am - 14.00 pm
Phone hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 9.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 9.00 am - 14.00 pm