Prices for daycare, nurseries and kindergartens
The payment is collected in advance 11 months a year (July is payment-free) via a payment card, which you receive in digital mail. We recommend that the bill be registered with PBS.
When changing institution type, you must be aware that a possible The PBS agreement will be cancelled, and a new payment card will therefore be sent.
- What is the cost of a daycare or nursery place (0 to 3 years)?
Full-time position (33-48 hours) DKK 3.260 / month Part-time position with daycare (0-32 hours) DKK 2.173 / month Part-time place at nursery (28 hours) DKK 1.826/month Maternity part-time position (30 hours) DKK 2.037 / month - How much does a kindergarten place (3,1 years to 5 years) cost?
Full time position DKK 2.409 / month Part-time position (28 hours) DKK 1.349 / month Maternity part-time position (30 hours) DKK 1.445 / month - Can I get a sibling discount?
For families with more than one child in daycare, daycare or after-school program, a sibling discount is granted. Full price is paid for the most expensive place, and the sibling discount is 50% of the other places.
The term sibling includes biological siblings, adopted siblings and children brought together. The children must have the same registered address.For children in private institutions, the sibling discount is calculated at 50%. The sibling allowance always accrues to the place with the cheapest gross operating cost. For children in private childcare, the sibling discount is calculated at 85%. The sibling allowance always accrues to the place with the cheapest gross running costs.
There is no sibling discount for children in the club offer.
- Can I get free space allowance?
The payment for the child's institutional place can be reduced if your household's total current income is within the amount limits. Read more about free space subsidies and see the amounts here.
Treatment-related and socio-pedagogical free space grant:
If you have a child with significant and permanent reduced physical or mental functioning, who is admitted to a daycare center for treatment reasons, there may be an opportunity to get an additional subsidy so that your payment for the daycare place is reduced. It is called a treatment free space allowance. Read more about treatment-related free subsidy spaceYou must first apply for a financial free space allowance. Next, you can apply for social-pedagogical free space grants at Sønderborg Municipality's reception. You apply for a free place grant for social education by contacting Reception in the family department at tlf. 88 72 42 42.
If a free space subsidy has been granted, there will be an ongoing automatic check of the granted subsidy every month.
- How is daycare/daycare paid?
The first time you register your child for a daycare or daycare center, you will receive a deposit card in an E-box. You can register this deposit card for PBS. When your child
transfers to SFO, you must be aware that a possible The PBS agreement ends when the child changes institution type to SFO.

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Contact us
Jyllandsgade 38
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 47 55