Protected nature and animal species

Read about protected animal species and nature in Sønderborg Municipality.

In Sønderborg Municipality, we have a very beautiful nature with a rich and diverse animal and plant life, which we work to preserve. 

Which animal species are particularly protected in Sønderborg Municipality?




Read more about internationally protected animal species (Habitats Directive) og protected species in Denmark.

In Sonderborg Municipality, we also take special care of the common merganser.

How does Sønderborg Municipality protect nature?

In Sønderborg Municipality, we work to protect and ensure diversity and variety in our natural areas, animals and plants by creating green connecting lines. These dispersal possibilities between our natural areas can be a combination of paths, hedges, rock and earth dikes and new water holes. 

Denmark has committed itself to complying with a number of EU directives such as the Habitats Directivethe Birds Directive og the Water Framework Directive, which provides animals and plants with increased protection. In Sønderborg Municipality, there are five beautiful habitat areas and two bird protection areas, which contribute habitats for habitat types and species of importance to the EU. The areas are also called for Natura 2000 sites.

What is the Better BirdLIFE project?

Sønderborg Municipality participates in the project Better BirdLIFE, which aims to improve the living conditions of coastal birds in the western part of the Baltic Sea. In our area, we focus on the eider.


The eider is 53-60 cm long and has a wingspan of 80-108 cm. It weighs 1200-2800 grams and eats mainly mussels, snails and crustaceans, but can also take fish. It usually seeks its food in shallow areas, but can dive to a depth of 20 meters. The mussels, which are mainly mussels, are swallowed whole and the shells are ground into pieces in the gizzard.

To help the population of eider ducks in our area, we make rock reefs, which allow the mussels to establish stable populations.

The new rock reefs thus help to improve the conservation status of the birds, as they provide good opportunities for searching for food.

Contact us

Water and Nature
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg

Phone hours:

Monday - Wednesday: 9.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 9.00 am - 14.00 pm