Right to access your personal data
As a general rule, you have the right to see what is registered about you in Sønderborg Municipality or with other public authorities.
All citizens have the right to obtain information about what is written in electronic registers about themselves.
This is called registry insight, which you can read more about here.
In addition, everyone has the right to see documents that are part of the public administration. This is called access to documents, which you can read more about here.
- What information can I see about myself?
Register insight
As a citizen of Denmark, you are registered in various places, e.g. the CPR register and the Personal Register.
You only have the right to gain registry access to personal information about yourself.
You can see for yourself what it says about you in The Central Person Register by logging in with MitID. It does not cost anything.
If you do not have a MitID or need help, you can contact Borgerservice for help.
The rights of the individual citizen are set out in the EU Regulation on data protection.
Insights according to the GDPR regulations
You basically have the right to see the personal data that the data controller processes about you - and you have the right to have a copy of the information provided free of charge.
You also have the right to receive a range of information about how your personal data is processed, including e.g. what the purpose of the processing is, with whom your personal data is shared, as well as information about the period of time your personal data is stored. You also have the right to know where your personal data originates.
In this way, you are ensured transparency in which personal data is processed about you, and you have the opportunity to check that the personal data is correct and that the processing is otherwise legal.
You can read more about your right to access and your other rights in the Data Protection Authority guidance on the rights of data subjects as well as on Sønderborg Municipality's page om data protection.
- What information does the municipality typically register about me?
The information that is typically registered about you as a citizen is:
- name, address and possibly marital status (eg married, unmarried, divorced, widow, widower, registered partner, previously registered partner)
- birth registration information (eg place of birth information)
- citizenship
- kinship (eg information about parents and custody)
- relationship to the Danish National Church (eg member or former member)
- Possibly information about incapacitation
- Possibly protection information (eg name and address protection)
- Can I complain about the insight?
If you are dissatisfied with the answer given by the municipality about the processing of information about you, you can complain to Datatilsynet.
Contact us
The data protection advisor
Voldgade 3
6400 Sønderborg
E-mail: DPO@sonderborg.dk
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 64 00