Register your child and see the location of daycare providers, nurseries and kindergartens

Book a place, register your child or apply for a free place in daycare, nursery or kindergarten.

All children have the right to a day care service from the age of 26 weeks and until the start of school in the municipality's Danish and German institutions.
Sønderborg Municipality has a fit guarantee in all areas.

The institutions work according to the Act on minimum standards. There is a maximum of 3 children per educational staff in the nursery and a maximum of 6 children per educational staff in kindergarten. 
Sønderborg Municipality's day care services emphasize that trained educational staff are employed in both institutions and municipal day care.
In Sønderborg Municipality, there are municipal daycare centers and daycare providers geographically distributed in your immediate environment.
It is also possible to choose private care arrangements and private institutions.  
You can take a closer look at the location of the municipality's institutions by using the interactive map, on the right of your screen. Here you can adjust your opt-in/opt-out options and see where the various institutions are in relation to your needs. 

When can I book a place for babysitting?

You can book a place when your child has received a social security number. no. It is possible to book several years into the future, so that you already when the child has been assigned a social security number. no. can book a comprehensive course for your child up to and including the club.

How do I book a place for my child?

You can book via the green link at the top of the page here. You must use MitID to book a place for your child. 

When you have found the place you want to book, it is important that you click on "book", otherwise the place will not be booked. You will receive a confirmation when your booking has been correctly completed.

Waiting list - get notified about available places

You can choose to put your child on a waiting list for an institution or daycare if there is no available place on the desired date of need. As soon as a place becomes available, an offer will be sent to you.

You enter your child on the waiting list in the booking system. However, we recommend that you book a place for your child in another institution or daycare as an alternative, until, if possible, can be offered a place at the 1st priority. It is an advantage for you to write the date of need either per on the 1st or 16th of a month, as these are the two dates from which the booking system allocates new places. We recommend that you register your child before he turns 4 weeks old, in order to achieve the longest possible seniority on the waiting list.

The deadline for responding to an offered place

If your child is on the waiting list for a place, you will receive an offer in your digital mailbox when a place becomes available. If you receive an offer for a place, you must respond to the offer within 5 working days. If you do not respond to the offer before the end of the deadline, the place will automatically be offered to the next child on the waiting list or will be displayed in the booking system. 

Please note that you must not register your child in the current place until you have booked another place. You may otherwise risk your current place being booked by another child, leaving you without a place.

Should I choose a daycare or a nursery?

If you are in doubt about whether you should choose daycare (dagpleje) or nursery (vuggestue), you can see the main differences below:

  Daycare (dagpleje) Nursery (vuggestue)
Opening hours The daycare workers are available 48 hours a week, which is adapted to the individual children.
The opening hours are typically between 06.00 am - 18.00 pm

The nursery is open an average of 50 hours a week
The opening time is typically ml. at 6.30 - 16.45.

Level of education of staff All municipal day care workers are trained pedagogical assistants with ongoing further education. The aim is for the staff to consist of 80% pedagogues, 10% pedagogical assistants and 10% pedagogical assistants with ongoing further training.
Disease The child will, if the day care worker is ill, be offered alternative care. If the child's primary pedagogue is ill, there are other daily pedagogues around the child.
Holiday The day care worker has a holiday in accordance with current holiday law.
The child is offered guest placement during holiday periods, either with another day care provider or in a guest house.
The institution is closed during summer holiday for two or three weeks, where holiday care is offered in a nearby institution.
Diet The daycare serves meals prepared by the individual daycare. However, parents must bring special food themselves. Twice a year, parents vote on whether they want a parent-paid lunch arrangement or whether they themselves want to bring the daily packed lunch for their child.
Physical framework The children are cared for in the daycare's home with a maximum of 5 children in total. All daycare workers are assigned to a playroom group, where they work closely with other daycare workers. The nursery groups are part of the kindergarten or children's universe, which is designed for children between 0 and 3 years. The child has a primary educator, and there are approx. three children per adult. The nursery group will be approx. 8-12 children. If there are siblings, they have the opportunity to be in the same institution.
Can siblings attend the same institution?

Account is taken of whether you have siblings in the same institution. This means that younger siblings with the same residence will be offered a free place before other children on the waiting list.

However, it is a prerequisite that there is an available place on the expected date of need.

How do I report my child out of the institution?

You must register your child via the booking system in the Digital Location Guide. Cancellation must be made with one month's notice to the 1st or 15th of a month. 

The withdrawal cannot be made directly to the institution/school – it must always be done digitally in accordance with the applicable termination rules.

In the case of a transition from day care to nursery school/kindergarten, however, registration at the institution functions at the same time as de-registration from the day care. In all other cases, the booking system must be used.

When enrolling in SFO from kindergarten on 1 May, enrollment in SFO functions at the same time as deregistration from kindergarten. In all other cases, the digital location information must be used. There are few areas in the municipality where the transition to SFO takes place on other dates. Then a possible Enrollment in SFO also as deregistration of existing enrollment in kindergarten, if there is an immediate transfer.

When the child finishes 2nd grade, he/she is automatically registered out of SFO on 31 July. In all other cases must the booking system in the Digital Location Guide used.

If you want your child to change from municipal to private care, then you must be aware that the general notice period - 1 month's notice to the 1st or the 15th of a month - must be complied with. Only 1 subsidy is granted per. child - this means that you can only receive a subsidy for private care when your child is no longer registered for a municipal offer. 

How do I cancel a registration in the booking system?

You can cancel an enrollment in an institution/daycare with one month's notice before the child starts. That is if you have booked a place for your child from 1 January, you must cancel the place before the end of November. Be careful not to cancel a place before you have been offered a new place, if you need it.

How are foster children enrolled in an institution?

Foster children are placed on a waiting list or offered a place in daycare, institution, after-school care or club by contacting your case manager in the Children and Families Department. The case manager then contacts the Placement Office.

Can I have my child looked after in Sønderborg Municipality, even if we live in another municipality?

You have the right to keep your child's place in Sønderborg Municipality if you move to another municipality. You can also book a place in Sønderborg Municipality, even if you live in another municipality.

You can basically get your child looked after in a municipality other than the one you live in, if the municipality you want admission in admits children from other municipalities.

If your child has a place in another municipality, Sønderborg Municipality pays for this place. As a parent, however, you must pay any difference between the operating costs for the space in Sønderborg Municipality and the operating costs for the space that your child uses in another municipality. 

The gross operating cost is the amount it costs the municipality to run the site. If the price in the care municipality is higher than in Sønderborg Municipality, you will therefore have to pay more for the space than for a space in Sønderborg Municipality.

If you live in another municipality and book a place in Sønderborg Municipality, it is important that you write a note stating that you will remain living in the municipality of residence or if you are moving to Sønderborg Municipality.

What other options do I have for looking after my child?

Instead of a municipal daycare, crèche or kindergarten, you can also choose one private care arrangement or few subsidy for looking after one's own child.


Contact us

Jyllandsgade 38
6400 Sønderborg