Residential care
If you are between 18 and 67 years old and have a significant and reduced functional capacity, which makes you dependent on extensive support in everyday life, you can apply for residential care.
- Where can I read more about the individual housing offers?
Read more on the residential institutions' own pages:
- Residential institution Engbo
- Residential institution BS Ingemanns Vej
- Residential institution Ellebo
- Residential institution Alléen
- Residential institution Højløkke
- Residential institution Skrænten
- Residential institution Løvkær
- Residential institution Højbo
- Residential institution Nørrebo
- Residential institution Elmbjergvej
- Residential institution Langesøgården
- Residential institution Gelerts Gård - acquired brain injury
- Residential institution Louisegade
- Residential institution Flintholm
- Housing offers and activity and socializing offers Bosager
- Residential institution Hertughaven
- The house Konkel
- Who can be offered temporary residence in a housing offer?
You may be searched for a temporary housing offer if:
- you have a significant reduced functional capacity and need extensive help for ordinary, daily functions or for care, or you need special treatment support for a period of time
- you, due to a reduced mental capacity or special social problems, need care or treatment and therefore cannot cope without support. It is a condition that your needs for help and support are so extensive that they can only be met if you receive help in a temporary accommodation facility.
Visits to a housing offer are made on the basis of a specific and individual assessment of your functional level.
- Who can be offered a long-term stay in a housing offer?
You may be referred to a long-term residential facility if, due to a significant and lasting reduction in physical or mental functioning, you need extensive help with ordinary, daily functions or care, concern or treatment that you cannot get covered in any other way.
It is a condition that:
- you have an extensive and ongoing need for social educational support and care in a XNUMX-hour service
- you need to be in an educational environment where staff are available
- an adequate support offer cannot be put together for you at home. This means that the community and/or accessibility in the housing offer is a significant part of the effort.
Visits to a housing offer are made on the basis of a specific and individual assessment of your functional level.
- Where can I find quality standards?
Contact us
District Social Psychiatry
Kettingvej 24
6440 Augustenborg