Rules for signs and posters for companies

Read about rules for setting up signs and posters for service guidance for companies.

In Denmark, as a general rule, it is not legal to put up signs in the open country.

As a business owner, manufacturer, organizer or landlord, however, there are certain options for setting up smaller signs and signs for service directions as well as posters in connection with events.

How do I put up signs in urban areas?

In urban areas, ie. within city zone signs, you must put up signs for service directions from the nearest major road. Signs and boards may be set up with service symbols and text. You may sign for all types of targets by using symbols developed by the Danish Road Directorate. Look more at The Danish Road Directorate's page on commercial service directions.

Do not use your own symbols or logos for your company on the guide.

The maximum length of signs / boards you may set up in urban areas is 1,5 meters.

Remember to make reservations for the place and any other boards.

Send your application by email

How can I put up signs in "Open Land"?

In open country, ie. outside city zone signs, you must set up service directions from the nearest route numbered road. Signs and boards may be set up with service symbols and text. You may sign for all types of targets by using symbols developed by the Danish Road Directorate. Look more at The Danish Road Directorate's page on commercial service directions.

Do not use your own symbols or logos for your company on the guide.

The maximum length of signs / boards you may set up in the open country is 2 meters. Remember to make reservations for the place and any other boards.

If you need help send an email to

What do I have to pay for when I put up signs?

You will have to pay for the costs associated with setting up and taking down the sign yourself. It is Sønderborg Municipality that is responsible for getting the work done. You must accept the offer before the work starts. You can not obtain other offers.

You also pay for the maintenance of the sign, or if something happens to the sign that requires repair and the like.

In addition, there are some costs in relation to the case processing of having a sign set up. If the setup of your sign entails changes for other signs / boards, you may be charged additional payment.

Can I have a new service symbol developed?

Yes, it may well be possible to develop a new service symbol at the Danish Road Directorate. The municipality is responsible for applying for new symbols, but you pay for the costs yourself.

What type of sign can I use for my campsite?

For campsites, you may only use the sign "M 31 Campingplads" regardless of the type of campsite

What are the rules for setting up election posters?

Read more about the rules on the Road Directorate's website.

Signed Beer shop

Contact us

Facilities and Infrastructure
Lille Rådhusgade 7
6400 Sønderborg

Phone hours:

Monday - Wednesday: 10.00 am - 15.00 pm
Thursday: 10.00 am - 17.00 pm
Friday: 10.00 am - 14.00 pm

Outside opening hours, you can call the Joint Security Center at tel. +45 88 72 41 10.