School offers for children with special needs
Sonderborg Municipality has several special education offers for students with special needs.
Special education can be organized at the individual general primary school within the school's framework, or it can take place in a special class or special school.
On the basis of a referral from the head of the district school and in consultation with the child's parents and the school psychologist (from PPR), the child can be recommended for special education.
- Which primary schools have special classes for children with attention and concentration difficulties as well as children with social and emotional difficulties?
Broager School
The special class series covers the entire school process 0th - 10th grade and has Special SFO.
See Broager School's websiteHørup Central school
The special class series covers the entire school process 0th - 10th grade and has Special SFO.
Se Hørup Central School's website - Which primary schools have special classes for children with general learning difficulties?
Alssund School
The special class series covers the entire school process 0th - 10th grade.
See Alssund School's websiteNydam school
The special class series covers the entire school process 0th - 10th grade.
See Nydamskolen's website - Which primary schools have special classes for children with autism spectrum disorders?
Nydam school
The special class series covers 0th - 10th grade as well as integrated classes (NEST) for children with and without autism.
See Nydamskolen's website - Where can I find a special school for children in need of far-reaching special education?
The special school Kløver-Skolen
Kløver-Skolen receives students from all over Sønderborg Municipality and consists of several departments located at different addresses.Department Huholt is for children aged 0.-6. grade level with the need for far-reaching special education due to social and emotional difficulties.
Section A (Clover) is for children with significant pervasive developmental disorders who need far-reaching special education.
Section B (Clover) is for children with significant general learning difficulties.
There is a leisure scheme attached to the school.
- Am I entitled to free transportation if my child attends a special school?
If your child has been examined for a teaching offer in a special class row or at a special school by Sønderborg Municipality, your child can receive transport between residence and school.
Free transport is provided to:
- students in 0th - 3rd grade, whose school road is 2,5 km or longer
- students in 4th - 6rd grade, whose school road is 6,0 km or longer
- students in 7th - 9rd grade, whose school road is 7,0 km or longer
- 10th grade students whose school road is 9,0 km or longer
Free transport is also provided to pupils who have a shorter school road, but where the school road is deemed dangerous to traffic.
The distance is assessed on the basis of googlemaps along the shortest road or paths that are not dangerous in traffic.
In special cases, driving on the basis of a shorter distance may be granted on the basis of an individual assessment of the student's illness or physical and / or mental disability. The grant is valid for a maximum of one school year at a time, after which you must apply for another period. Read more about school driving to special class and school here.
Contact us
Children, Education and Health
Jyllandsgade 36
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf. nr.: +45 27 90 52 63