Supervision in the social and elderly area

Read more about supervision and see supervision reports for eg home care, housing, nursing and SAABU.

Sønderborg Municipality and other authorities have a duty to supervise how the municipal tasks are solved in the social and elderly areas.

The purpose of supervision is to ensure that citizens receive the help they are entitled to according to the law and according to the decisions made by the municipality. In addition, that the help is planned and carried out in a professional and financially sound manner, and to prevent by taking corrective action before minor problems develop into more serious problems. The inspections contribute to dialogue and learning for the municipality's offer.

Supervision of care centres

Supervision of the municipality's care centers can be searched at The nursing home overview.

Supervision of the center for short-term places
Supervision of housing facilities, the Sønderborg Abuse Center and the Sønderborg Women's and Crisis Centre

Supervision of the municipality's housing facilities, substance abuse center and Sønderborg Women's and Crisis Center can be found at The offer portal.

Supervision in home care
Supervision of nursing care, emergency teams and community clinics
Supervision in SAABU and Väkshuset (The Royal Kitchen Garden)
Supervision of residential care institutions

Contact us

Care and Development
Ellegårdvej 25A
6400 Sønderborg