The association starting pool

Sønderborg Municipality wants to help promote association life with opportunities to apply for grants and pools.

New associations with public information purposes can apply for grants for eg development work, individual projects, amateur cultural activities etc.


Which associations can apply for grants?

New approved public information associations can apply for a grant from the Association's start-up pool.

How do we apply?

Forms filled out and sent. Applications will be processed at the next meeting of the Public Information Committee.

What can grants be applied for?
  • Association-owned materials that are necessary for the newly started activities.
  • Courses that are relevant to the newly started association.
  • Any expenses for administrative purchases in connection with the start-up (administration programs, website, etc.)
What does the grant oblige start-up associations to do?
  • Subsidies are paid when there is documentation for the expenses for which subsidies have been granted. 
  • Grants can only be used for the purpose applied for and granted.
The culture night

Contact us

Culture, Sports and Leisure
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg