The pool - More children in association life
The pool can be applied for by public information associations whose aim is to get children aged 0-18 into the communities.
- Which associations can apply for grants?
You can apply for the "More children in association life" pool if you:
- Is a public information association
- The pool provides financial support for activities and initiatives which aim to get more children aged 0-18 into the communities of the public information associations
- How to apply?
Applications are submitted on a application form and is processed continuously.
- How much grant can you apply for?
Administrative subsidies are granted when the amount applied for is below DKK 50.000. Applications above DKK 50.000 are submitted for political consideration in Committee on Culture, Sport and Citizenship.
- What are subsidies given for?
Grants can be applied for:
- Start-up of new teams and new association activities and related expenses for the purchase of activity effects and equipment
- Training of volunteers in relation to working with children and young people
- Holding new events with a view to getting more children and young people into the association - however not as a fixed future operating grant
- Holding workshops with a focus on getting more children and young people as members of the association
- Premises and track expenses in connection with the establishment of new activities - however not as a fixed future operating subsidy
- Marketing aimed at recruiting children and young people
- Cross-cutting initiatives among associations with a view to optimizing the associations' ability to recruit new members among children and young people
- Initiatives from committees, organizations and administration in relation to equipping the associations for recruiting the target group
In order to accommodate as many initiatives as possible, the individual association/subdivision can obtain one grant annually. The municipality's subsidy can amount to a maximum of 75% of the documented expenses.
Grants can be given on the condition that the aim of more children and young people in the association community is a clear part of what funds are applied for.
Grants can only be used for the purpose applied for and granted.

Contact us
Culture, Sports and Leisure
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg