The sports talent pool
The sports talent pool is for approved public information associations with an address in Sønderborg Municipality, which work purposefully to perform at the highest possible level.
The application deadline is 1 September.
- Which associations can receive funds from the Sports Talent Pool?
Grants are awarded to:
- Approved public information sports associations that are domiciled in Sønderborg Municipality.
- The pool is targeted at associations' sports talent work among children and young people under the age of 25.
- The pool does not support professional activities organized in private companies.
- The sport must be approved by the Danish Sports Confederation.
- Subsidies from the pool are not provided for activities and projects that fall within the association's general activities, but only for talent-related activities that the association or the individual cannot initiate themselves.
- Grants can be applied for both individual talents and talent teams.
- How to apply for the Sports talent pool
Forms filled out and sent.
The deadline for applications is 1 September and the submitted applications are sent to Sønderborg Sports Council for assessment. Sønderborg Sports Council's priority recommendation is subsequently dealt with in the Public Information Committee. More detailed guidelines can be obtained by contacting Culture, Sports and Leisure.
- What, among other things, can you apply for a grant for?
Among other things, apply for the following grants for the development of amateur talents:
- Fees and transport for participation in competitions/conventions
- Extra training/teaching/training camps
- Rental of facilities for training/performance of activity
- Workshops, gatherings and the like
- Remuneration of trainers/consultants
- Competence development of managers, trainers and active members
- Personal props and equipment
- Nutrition guide.
- What must an application for the Sports Talent Pool contain?
The application must as min. contain the following information:
- What specifically are funds being sought for.
- Objectives for elite initiatives in the association as well as for what funding is sought for.
- What resources the association has at its disposal or how they expect to realize the resources.
- Describe the effort in relation to the application.
- Describe how high the current performance level is.
- Expectations for the future level of results
- Budget and final accounts must be attached.
- What obligations do you have if you receive funds from the Sports Talent Pool?
- The association undertakes to comply with the objectives for which grants are received. An account of how the objectives have been met must be submitted.
- Grants can only be used for the purpose applied for and granted.
- One must therefore be submitted Feedback, as well as copies of any relevant documents.

Contact us
Culture, Sports and Leisure
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg