
Here you will find telephone numbers for e.g. police, emergency room and emergency room as well as shelters and emergency pharmacies.
Emergency telephone numbers and emergency telephones Call
Accident, fire or environmental pollution 112
Police 114
Emergency room, emergency room or injury clinic +45 70 11 07 07 (16-8)
Alcohol and abuse +45 88 72 44 85
Women's and crisis center +45 74 42 05 28
Children and young people help +45 27 90 42 42 (reception)
The midwife's guard +45 79 97 22 60
Dental watch +45 99 44 08 09 (9-12)
The Joint Call Center (staffed XNUMX hours a day) / Flooding on roads +45 88 72 41 10
The municipal health emergency +45 27 90 43 56
Emergency management services Sønderborg +45 88 72 41 09
Victim counseling helps victims, witnesses and relatives in connection with violent and shocking experiences such as accidents, crime and traffic accidents. We collaborate with police, nurses, firefighters and case managers in all the country's police districts +45 25 50 66 90
Where can I find a pharmacy?

Find your nearest pharmacy and opening hours www.apoteket.dk

What should I do if I experience a break in a water or sewer line?

If you experience a break in the sewer line, you must contact Sønderborg Forsyning by telephone +45 88 43 53 00 or go to Sønderborg Forsyning's website.

If you have a break in a water pipe, you must first check which waterworks it is connected to and then contact the individual waterworks. There are 45 private waterworks in Sønderborg Municipality

Can I get emergency help on my mobile?

With the regions' free emergency care app, you can quickly get an overview of your options for emergency care. The app covers emergency care throughout the country.

The app provides an overview of, for example, opening hours for emergency rooms and emergency rooms, doctor's shelters, pharmacies, dental and dental injury shifts, chiropractic shifts and psychiatric emergency services. Read more about the emergency service app here


Fire school

Contact us

Citizen Service Sonderborg 
Holger Drachmanns Plads 5
6400 Sønderborg

Opening hours:

Tuesday: 9.00 am - 18.00 pm 
Thursday: 9.00 am - 18.00 pm

Phone hours:

Monday: 10.00 am - 15.00 pm
Tuesday: 10.00 - 15.00
Wednesday: 10.00 - 15.00
Thursday: 10.00 - 17.00
Friday: 10.00 - 14.00