Residential institution Gelerts Gård

Gelerts Gård is the municipality's Center for Acquired Brain Injury

En acquired brain damage, also called an acquired brain injury, is an injury to the brain that occurs due to illnesses or accidents. 

Gelerts Gård is Sønderborg municipality's Center for Acquired Brain Injury and consists of a housing offer, an activity and social service offer and an outreach team that provides social-pedagogical support to citizens with an acquired brain injury throughout Sønderborg municipality.

Gelerts Gård is located in Nybøl, 8 km from Sønderborg, 6 km from Gråsten and close to forest and beach.

How do you live at Gelerts Gård?

The house is built on one level, to which are added 6 terraced houses, which are separate from the main building.

In total, we have 36 homes, of which 2 homes are assessment sites. All homes have their own bath and toilet and are naturally handicap-friendly. All homes have two rooms.

The residents are divided into 4 housing groups/wards. Each living group has a kitchen/dining room and living room. In addition, there is a commercial kitchen where the hot food is prepared and where special diets are prepared, a sensory room, exercise room, meeting rooms and administration.

The activity and get-together offer has its own premises, partly a large common room, a small training kitchen, music room, possibility for workshop activities and possibility to make use of the Exercise room.

There is a very large outdoor area that is used by both the Activity and Social Services and the residents of the housing facility. Special mention can be made here of the Gårdhaven, where there is an opportunity for both fun and activity - and our large fire hut, where there is also room for wheelchairs.

Housing unit

Where can I see supervision?

See supervision for residential institution Gelerts Gård.

How do you eat at Gelerts Gård?

It is possible to participate in a meal plan when you live at Gelerts Gård.

It is possible to have special diets made, including diets with special consistency.

Who does Gelerts Gård collaborate with?

Gelerts Gård collaborates as necessary with:

  • Relatives
  • Home and Nursing care
  • Center for Assistive Technology and Communication
  • Physiotherapists
  • Private doctors

Gelerts Gård has an interdisciplinary staff and organizes everyday life according to the individual's needs and previous life.

Gelerts Gård

Contact us

Residential institution Gelerts Gård
Katforte 20, Nybøl
6400 Sønderborg