Residential institution Flintholm

Read more about residential institution Flintholm - a housing offer for adult citizens with reduced physical and mental functioning with a need for around the clock help.

The residents of Flintholm all have severe developmental disabilities. This means that residents need comprehensive support in their daily lives. The age spread is large.

Flintholm is located in Nordborg on the beautiful North Alsen with lots of beautiful nature almost right outside the door. We have Nordborg with good shopping opportunities and the beautiful castle, where a music festival is held every year. We have Dyvig with the marina and Nybøl Nor with the newly rebuilt lakes. 25 minutes away we have Sonderborg city with many cultural offerings.

How do you live in Flintholm?

The homes are 80-84 m2 incl. common areas. They are furnished with a small kitchen, large bathroom, living room and bedroom with closets. All have their own terrace and we have a nice, large communal garden.

There are a total of 20 apartments with associated common rooms and kitchens.

What does it cost to live in Flintholm?

The residents have a lease and pay deposits and rent like other tenants. 

As the apartments are slightly different in size, the rent varies a bit. In 2020, the rents are between DKK 7.632 and 8.014 per month. In addition, there are costs for electricity, water and heating.
In addition to the housing costs, residents can choose to pay for the following service packages:
  • Diet: Covers all meals of the day. Both the ingredients and the production are paid for. Flintholm has its own large kitchen. The kitchen staff produces a nutritious and varied diet based on the residents' wishes and needs. It is possible to produce special diets and prepare individual diet plans. 
  • Detergents: Detergents for use in your own apartment. In addition to all the usual cleaning products, the amount for cleaning products also covers the purchase of toilet paper, kitchen roll, garbage bags, dishwashing liquid, medicine cups and the like. Cleaning of common areas is charged via the rent.
  • Washing powder and more.

The service packages are voluntary, but as the residents are basically unable to take care of cleaning, cooking and laundry themselves, alternatives must be found if the packages are deselected. 

Can I have an influence if I am a relative of a resident of Flintholm?

We hold family meetings 4 times a year, where everyone can participate. The family meetings act as our family council.

Where can I see supervision?

See supervision for residential institution Flintholm.

Contact us

Residential institution Flintholm
Flintholmvej 4
6430 Nordborg