Vision of the City Council

Read more about the Steering Triangle, which ensures coherence between vision and strategy, municipal plan, local plan, policies and action plans.

In Sønderborg Municipality, we work from the Steering Triangle. The management triangle helps to ensure coherence between vision and strategy, municipal plan, local plan, policies and action plans.

Lighthouse projects are concrete and ambitious projects that support the City Council's Vision and Planning Strategy.


The City Council has prepared a vision for the City Council period 2022-2025, which contains the overall visions and objectives for the municipality's continued development. Vision 2022-2025, together with Planning Strategy 2022, constitutes the overall management tool for the City Council period.

See the Vision 2022-2025 here.

Planning strategy

Planning strategy 2022 describes the City Council's strategy for municipal planning in Sønderborg Municipality. It forms the basis for a revision of the municipal plan in 2022-2023 and thus creates a link between the City Council's vision and the specific physical planning in the municipality.

The city council has adopted an addendum to Planning Strategy 2022. The addendum deals with planning in the coastal zone and gives the opportunity to apply to the state for development areas and new holiday home areas.

Municipal plan and local plan

The goals and visions of the planning strategy are specified in the municipal plan. The municipal plan is the municipality's overall plan for creating growth and development over the next 12 years.

See the municipal plan here.

Where can buildings be located? How big must the buildings be? What materials may be used? How should the undeveloped areas be designed? It's all something you can get answers to in a local plan.

Find a local plan applicable to your area here.

Policies and plans

On the basis of vision and planning strategy, the political subject committees prepare policies and action plans for the subject areas. A policy contains objectives and concrete directions for the individual subject areas and thus concretizes the overall visions. Through action plans, the objectives are translated into actions.

See policies and action plans here.

Lighthouse projects

The city council has designated ProjectZero and Nordborg Resort as lighthouse projects in 2022-2025.​

The climate project ProjectZero

ProjectZero is the vision of growth and new green jobs with the effect that the Sønderborg area becomes CO2-neutral in 2029. ProjectZero shows the will to initiate and realize new business-driven concepts, develop new solutions and initiate new partnerships. Green district heating, heat pumps, biogas plants, wind turbines, energy-efficient renovation and electric cars have been identified as some of the key focus areas for the coming years.

Sønderborg Municipality's citizens, companies and municipal employees must feel co-ownership of ProjectZero. Together, work continues on marking Sønderborg Municipality on the world map.

Read more at projectzero.dkProjectZero Masterplan2029 or see CO accounts and energy consumption for Sønderborg Municipality as a company.

Nordborg Resort

With Nordborg Resort, a unique offer is created which plays together with nature and the landscape in the best possible way. The ambition is to attract more holiday tourists, increase the turnover of the retail trade and tourism operators and create more jobs. With the establishment of Nordborg Resort, the potential of Nordals is utilized, and it must contribute to the overall tourism development in Sønderborg Municipality.

Read more on Nordborg Resort's website.

Sønderborg Municipality's basic story

With the basic story of Sønderborg, we can convey the very special thing about living, living and working in Sønderborg in less than two minutes and in almost 200 words. 

The basic story about Sønderborg is anchored in the positioning plan.

Contact us

The communications department
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg