Whistleblower scheme for the citizens of Sonderborg Municipality
Sønderborg Municipality wants an open and transparent culture in our organization where citizens can report suspected irregularities or illegalities.
Sønderborg municipality has chosen to set up a whistleblower scheme where citizens can report illegal situations or serious mistakes or negligence committed by employees or suppliers.
- What is the purpose of the whistleblower scheme?
The whistleblower scheme is used if you do not feel comfortable using the regular channels; however, only in the case of illegalities or serious errors and omissions. You can report if you have knowledge or suspicion of illegalities or serious irregularities in Sønderborg Municipality's organization. Ie. in the case of a municipal breach of a serious nature.
- What can you report on?
The Whistleblower scheme only deals with matters of illegalities or serious errors and negligence committed by employees in Sønderborg Municipality's organization or suppliers who perform work for Sønderborg Municipality.
This may be if the information relates to:
- Violations of EU law, eg public procurement, financial services, environmental protection, information systems security, competition and state aid rules.
- Serious or repeated violations of the law, such as the Act on the Use of Force, the Public Administration Act, the Public Access to Information Act and certain parts of the sector legislation.
- Serious or repeated violations of internal guidelines about eg business trips, gifts and financial reporting, etc.
- Serious or repeated violations of administrative law principles, including the principle of inquiry, the requirement of objectivity, the principle of misuse of power and proportionality, as well as the deliberate misleading of citizens and partners.
- Serious person-related conflicts in the workplacen, e.g. aggravated harassment, including of a sexual nature.
- Serious offenses and other serious matters, such as information about criminal offenses, breach of confidentiality, misuse of financial means, theft, fraud, embezzlement, fraud and bribery. In principle, these will be serious offenses or other serious matters, the coverage of which is in the public interest.
- What can the whistleblower scheme can not used for?
You can not complain about neighbors, citizens or businesses. Here you must instead contact the relevant municipal authority.
You also cannot appeal a decision. Here you must bring the matter before the respective appeal body.
- Are reports anonymous?
Reports can be made both anonymously or with an indication of identity and contact information. You decide. If you want to be anonymous then remember to check the box in the Whistleblower portal.
- How do you get feedback on your report?
The whistleblower unit will acknowledge receipt of your report after 7 days at the latest and will give feedback on your report as far as possible 3 months after you have received your acknowledgment of receipt.

Contact us
City Council Secretariat and Law
Rådhustorvet 10
6400 Sønderborg
E-mail: sekretariatet@sonderborg.dk
Tlf. nr.: +45 88 72 64 00